If you were watching the 2nd presidential debate last night, you probably remember President Obama’s claim that Planned Parenthood does mammograms. (Aww, bless his heart. Obama actually thinks that his buddies at the abortion-giant Planned Parenthood do mammograms.)
Mr. President, I’d like to welcome you to the real world – where Planned Parenthood does not do mammograms.
Just over a year ago, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards was caught in the middle of a massive lie, when she said on national television that Planned Parenthood does mammograms. Well – Live Action was watching (or as Planned Parenthood says, Live Action “women were watching”) and decided to investigate her claims.
This is what we found…
Last night during the debate, President Barack Obama gave a shout-out to his girl Cecile Richards and her pro-abortion posse at Planned Parenthood, and he repeated Cecile’s false claim that Planned Parenthood does mammograms.
It’s time for the president of the United States, Planned Parenthood, Hollywood starlets, and everyone else who has spouted this ridiculous claim to snap out of their fairy-tale world and back into reality, where Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms.
Now – here’s where it get’s fun!
Our friends at And Then There Were None came up with a creative and hilarious idea to help expose the truth even more — and launched the official “Call Planned Parenthood to schedule your imaginary mammogram” day!
Tomorrow is “Call Planned Parenthood to schedule your imaginary mammogram” day, and this is your opportunity to call Planned Parenthood and their comrades out on the false claim that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms.
Planned Parenthood, the president, and countless celebrities have spouted this fallacious claim, and they refuse to admit that they are wrong. So – we’re going to expose the truth (again), and we need your help!
What to do:
TOMORROW, Thursday October 18, 2012
Call 1-800-230-PLAN (7526) to get your local Planned Parenthood center.
Then – tell Planned Parenthood you would like to schedule a mammogram. Your conversation will probably go something like this:
Planned Parenthood: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood, how may I help you?
You: Hi. I’d like to schedule an appointment to come into your clinic for a mammogram.
Planned Parenthood: We do breast exams, but would need to refer you to another clinic for a mammogram.
You: Another Planned Parenthood clinic?
Planned Parenthood: Umm, no. We actually don’t do mammograms at Planned Parenthood.
You: Wait, what? President Obama said in the debate on Tuesday night that Planned Parenthood does mammograms.
Planned Parenthood: Umm, yeah… I don’t know why he said that. We don’t do mammograms here at Planned Parenthood. But – we’re happy to refer you somewhere else for one.
Wow. Bombshell! You just called Planned Parenthood and helped expose the truth – that Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms. And you brought it to the attention of at least one Planned Parenthood worker. You are a rock star and just helped expose the truth!
Will you help set the record straight and expose Planned Parenthood’s gigantic and fraudulent lie?
Do your part tomorrow on the official “Call Planned Parenthood to schedule your imaginary mammogram” day and schedule your imaginary mammogram.