The news that the most recent Gallup Poll on abortion shows that a record low 41% of Americans consider themselves pro-choice compared with 50% who consider themselves pro-life has Planned Parenthood in a bit of a panic, as to be expected. But Planned Parenthood isn’t just worried about this decline in pro-choice support – they’re terrified. So much so that CEO Cecile Richards suddenly believes we should put an end to the labels “pro-choice” and “pro-life.” In her May 24, 2012 statement, she says:
Instead of putting people in one category or another, we should respect the real-life decisions women and their families face every day.
In addition, she never backs away from labeling politicians, legislation, and activists as “anti-choice” in an attempt to brush pro-lifers off as people who want to suppress women, rather than people who want to stop the brutal slaughtering of millions of innocent children.
In the same May 24 statement, Richard also claims that most Americans want abortion to remain legal. She says:
A majority of Americans still believe abortion should remain a safe and legal medical procedure[.]
The truth is that most Americans (59%), according to a Gallup Poll this month, believe that abortion should be illegal in most or all circumstances.
Richards, and the rest of Planned Parenthood, will twist the numbers and use labels such as “pro-choice” and “anti-choice” for as long as it suits them, and for as long as the misleading labels keep those large paychecks coming. Now that those same labels signify a decline in support for abortion and therefore Planned Parenthood, it seems that labeling is suddenly unwarranted. What Richards wants is for us all to forget about labels and care about women’s health, but she fails to realize that pro-lifers already do; they just care about the babies, too. Now, if Richards would like to drop her labels and respect the lives of unborn children, then maybe we can get somewhere.