If the absurdity of the “War on Women” narrative wasn’t already abundantly clear, the following story from LifeSiteNews illustrates it nicely:
A 24-year-old man tried to shoot his ex-girlfriend in the face after she refused to get an abortion, according to police in northern Pennsylvania.
Allentown police say 24-year-old Jashua Kinch-Rodriguez had an argument with his ex-girlfriend, Jessenia Rosario, in a car outside her apartment last Friday night. Things became heated when she refused to have an abortion.
Officers say Kinch-Rodriguez began to punch her in the stomach and groin area before slamming the car door on her legs and threatening her life.
Court documents state when she went upstairs to her apartment, her ex-boyfriend got a handgun and shot into the dwelling, narrowly missing her and the four people staying there at the time.
Gee, for a war that’s been going on all this time, you’d think actual violence would have shown up sooner. But when somebody finally picks up a weapon against a woman, he turns out to be pro-abortion! Who knew?
Yes, I know pro-choicers don’t mean the “war” in “War on Women” literally. But the story still illustrates how their frenzied victim-mongering has lost any semblance of perspective. This is what harming and controlling women really look like – not protecting the lives of unborn children (of both sexes), not requiring abortion-seekers to inform themselves before killing their offspring, not letting individuals and businesses decide for themselves whether they want to provide somebody else’s birth control, and not the occasional insult or misstatement that’s universally denounced and apologized for in the blink of an eye.
Indeed, the hyperbole has gotten so bad that at least one pro-choice Democrat can’t stomach it anymore. Reacting to Sandra Fluke’s Democratic National Convention speech, commentator Kirsten Powers tweeted that she “found this speech so offensive as a woman. The idea that women are silenced victims”:
The US is one of the best countries in the world to be born in if you are a woman. I thank God that i was born here […] Sandra Fluke should visit Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and then see how she feels about how the US treats women[.]
The Pennsylvania case also illustrates something we’ve discussed before: that abortion more naturally lends itself to being a tool of misogyny rather than an escape hatch from it. Abusive boyfriends and husbands aren’t any more likely to value their unborn children than they are to value their women, and for those who don’t want the hassle of fatherhood, abortion is naturally where such men would turn.
It does women no good to have the self-appointed arbiters of feminism defining war down by demonizing legitimate policy disagreements instead of focusing on misogyny’s real perpetrators and casualties.