A virtual summit coming up April 16-20 aims to help women “learn about tools you can use right now for fertility, period problems, and natural, effective family planning” according to the summit website. As Live Action News profiled last year, the Cycle Power Summit, sponsored by Natural Womanhood and Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Science (FACTS) among others, will once again bring together thought leaders on a variety of women’s health-related issues in a completely online format.
Live Action News spoke to Cycle Power Summit founder Anna Saucier by phone about why she started the summit and about what viewers should expect from this year’s presentations. Saucier said she started out as a Creighton model FertilityCare practitioner, teaching women to track their menstrual cycles for family planning purposes and/or insight into the root causes of reproductive health problems. Her experience taught her that many women have very low body literacy when it comes to understanding how their bodies work, that their menstrual cycle is in fact a fifth vital sign, and that they have options that cooperate with and support their body’s natural rhythms to treat common reproductive health problems like infertility, premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis, and more. A common question she received from her clients was, “Why was I never taught this?” Successfully pointing clients to providers who could help restore true reproductive health solidified Saucier’s conviction that “this is the healthcare we need to be providing.”
READ: Why understanding the body’s cycles empowers women and girls
In a world that often touts hormonal birth control as the answer to every reproductive health problem, or in vitro fertilization and other artificial reproductive technology methods as the only treatment for infertility, Saucier wants women to know that “you have options. There are options for healing that you can pursue right now, even in a time of quarantine.”
The summit was designed to “provide a complete array of talks that give the whole picture about how your body works and empower you to advocate for yourself and with your doctor.” Thirty-two talks will cover wide-ranging topics such as “Ovulation: The Little-Known Vital Health Indicator,””PMS- When Common Isn’t Normal, a Restorative Approach to Treatment,” “Progesterone & Pregnancy: Rethinking the Normalcy of Miscarriage,” “Postpartum Depression and Anxiety: A Restorative Approach to Recovery,” “Fertility Awareness Methods Overview: Discover Which One is Right for You,” and more.
Viewers can access the summit talks for free during the five days of the summit, and afterwards can purchase lifetime access to all of this year’s talks. Saucier also shared a brand new resource with Live Action News intended specifically for women whose fertility treatments may have been put on hold due to the coronavirus.
Pro-lifers are sometimes accused of being “pro-birth” only, prioritizing preborn babies over their mothers. In truth, we care about both women and children. Helping women learn about their bodies and to advocate for their best health is absolutely fundamental to the pro-life cause.
Editor’s Note, 4/12/20: This article originally stated that purchasers would receive access for one year.
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