For their event pushing for taxpayer funded abortion this past weekend, All Access shared stories of those who support their radical pro-abortion agenda. One comes from Dan, who says, “I want my daughter to grow up with choices.” His brief story nonchalantly talks of abortion and abortion access, making this crusade all the more troubling.
Dan begins by saying his daughter was conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Dan speaks highly of the use of IVF, but sadly, the practice has contributed to a throwaway culture which treats children as commodities and leads to more abortions if a couple becomes pregnant with more children than they intended.
In Dan’s mind, being a good father means advocating for his daughter to have the option of an abortion some day, to abort his own grandchild. The irony here is that Dan’s daughter was fortunate enough to have been born — the first hurdle one must make it past in order to one day make any decisions whatsoever.
At the end of the All Access video, Dan shares:
I think about the world that my daughter’s gonna live in and the laws that are gonna govern her life and restrict or not restrict her ability to make choices. I feel like I have an obligation to her to do everything I can to speak up and be vocal about my point of view on that, that she should have the right to make any choice about her health that she wants.
Dan (and other abortion advocates) speak about abortion as part of women’s “health” when this ‘procedure’ — the intentional killing of a child in utero — is never medically necessary. And what Dan may not have considered is that having an abortion could affect his daughter’s health for the worse, mentally or physically, or both. Dan also spreads the myth that abortion is necessary to protect a woman’s health, as in the case of high-risk pregnancies like his wife had — but why is it that no one mentions early delivery as the first resort?
Dismemberment or injecting a preborn child’s heart with a drug to cause cardiac arrest will do absolutely nothing to preserve the health or life of the mother.
Like Dan, I too have a daughter. And like Dan, I want to speak up so that she knows she has choices should she ever face an unplanned pregnancy, and abortion need not be one of them. I want her to have support from her parents and her partner so she doesn’t feel like she has to take the ‘quick fix’ or ‘easy way out’ that abortion is often billed to be. I want her to have choices while also protecting the life of my preborn grandchild, without her falling prey to the abortion business and risking her physical and mental health, especially since abortion advocates would likely write her off as they’ve done other women, should she suffer in such a way.
Dan’s story, while it may be touching to some, doesn’t make an effective case for why taxpayer funded abortions are necessary, which is the goal of the All Access campaign. “Restrictions on abortion access hurt families like mine,” Dan says. “They limit the choices we can make about the family that we’re trying to build together.”
Just one problem with that: abortion doesn’t “build” families. It destroys them by killing family members.
[vimeo 178654389 w=640 h=360]
All Access | Dan from All Access 2016 on Vimeo.