As we heard last week, SB 1338 (the dangerous bill which would allow non-doctors to perform surgical abortions) was halted. The pro-life victory was short-lived, however, because the bill is up for a reconsideration vote on Monday, May 7.
In this video, we see a group of pro-lifers who came together to lobby against this bill.
Wynette Sills, a member of the Silent No More Campaign, stated:
SB 1338 it is not a good policy for women of California, in that it endangers our health and safety by lowering the standards of health care by allocating surgical abortions to non-physicians.
It is time for you to stand up and let our senators know that you do not want our health care standards lowered! Our senators need to hear from you. Below is their contact information. Please contact them, and please encourage them to vote “no” on SB 1338 because you do not want our medical standards lowered.
Senator Lou Correa [D] – (916) 651-4034
Voted “no” on SB 1338 last week. He will be greatly pressured by those who want this bill to pass, so we need to encourage him to remain strong and again vote “no” on SB 1338.
Senator Juan Vargas [D] – (916) 651-4040
Voted “no” on SB 1338 last week, and represents the very Catholic district of Imperial Valley. Planned Parenthood has picketed his office and will continue pressuring him. We need to make sure he knows that his original decision was the right one.
Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod [D] – (916) 651-4032
Hastily voted “yes” on SB 1338 last week, and has a 100% pro-abortion voting record. Urge her to protect women and defend life and vote “no” on SB 1338.
Senator Ellen Corbett [D] – (916) 651-4010
Voted “yes” on SB 1338 last week, and has a 100% pro-abortion voting record. She needs to hear from women who have been hurt by abortion!
Senator Curren Price [D] – (916) 651-4026
Voted “yes” on SB 1338 two times, and has a 100% pro-abortion voting record. Explain the impact of abortion on women and that we do not want our health care standards compromised. Urge him to vote “no” on SB 1338.
Senator Ed Hernandez [D] – (916) 651-4024
Voted “yes” on SB 1338 and has a 100% pro-abortion voting record. Continue calling him, in hopes that he will change his mind before Monday’s reconsideration. Urge him to stop our health care standards from being lowered and to vote “no” on SB 1338.
Senator Darrell Steinberg [D] – (916) 651-4006
Co-author of this bill, and voted “yes.” It’s very important that he know that Californians do not want their health care standards lowered. Urge him to protect women and vote “no” on Sb 1338.
Let your voice be heard! Spread the word that this bill is up for reconsideration, and get everyone you know to call our senators. Let them know that we are not okay with having our health care standards lowered!