A woman who was placed in foster care in 1984 is suing the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), claiming she was taken to have an abortion after being raped by her foster family — and was then returned to her abusers.
The lawsuit, which was covered by ABC7, only identifies the girl as “F.M.” and does not specifically name DCFS. Instead, it was referred to as a “Doe” agency, but the address — 425 Shatto Place — matches the location of the DCFS offices. F.M. claims that she and her sister, J.M., spent 13 years in foster care. During that time, F.M. was allegedly repeatedly raped by her foster father and foster brothers. “The foster parents … were approved, licensed, trained, supervised and/or compensated by defendants,” the lawsuit said.
In 1993, at the age of 13, F.M. caught a sexually transmitted disease and began experiencing genital pain. So her foster mother took her to a doctor, where they discovered she was five months pregnant. The pregnancy was reported to DCFS, which arranged for her to have an abortion and then returned her back to the same foster home, where F.M. continued to be abused for another two years.
DCFS, the lawsuit claimed, “covered up their knowledge of (the foster brother’s) sexual abuse of plaintiff, thereby allowing such further abuse to continue.”
The abortion industry, and Planned Parenthood in particular, has been found to have to covered up sexual abuse and rape, including that of children. Surveys have found that this includes survivors of sex trafficking, whose traffickers frequently take them to abortion facilities and then return them to their abusers. As one survivor said, “Planned Parenthood didn’t ask any questions.”
READ: She was 12 when her abuser took her to Planned Parenthood. No one there helped her.
In Live Action’s Aiding Abusers docuseries and investigation, the systemic cover-up of sex trafficking by Planned Parenthood was exposed, using interviews from former employees, recorded cases, prosecutions, and more.
In an interview with MSN, in which F.M.’s anonymity was maintained, she said she still struggles with what happened to her. “I’m trying to fight these feelings because I didn’t do anything wrong and I shouldn’t feel like this but this is something that I’ve been dealing with for a very long time and it does not go away,” she said. “I felt lost, I felt alone, I thought I was going to die.”
She also explained that every time caseworkers came to check on her, her foster father and brothers were nearby, preventing her from speaking openly. “Something was happening and there was no way I could say anything because I was already traumatized and every time they would leave and the officers would leave it would just get worse and worse,” she said.
While F.M. said it’s difficult to publicly speak about what happened to her, she hopes it can help other foster children in similar situations. “There’s always going to be a light at the end of the tunnel,” she said. “And if they’re going through it now and I know what they’re feeling and I know what they’re going through, know that where there’s dark there’s a light.”
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