
Deadline for Missouri Planned Parenthood case extended again, as dangerous facility operates unlicensed

Planned Parenthood Missouri

The fate of the last Planned Parenthood facility in the state of Missouri, located in downtown St. Louis, has been uncertain for almost a year now. And that uncertainty will be continuing, thanks to an agreement from the Missouri Administrative Hearing Commission extending a deadline.

Last June, the Missouri health department chose not to renew the license for Reproductive Health Services Planned Parenthood. Missouri Administrative Hearing Commissioner Sreenivasa Rao Dandamudi issued a stay, however, which allowed the facility to remain open indefinitely without a license. Lawyers for both the state of Missouri and Planned Parenthood met to battle it out during a hearing determining the fate of the facility. If Dandamudi rules against the facility, then it will be forced to close, leaving Missouri without an abortion facility. Previously, it was expected that a decision would be released in February. However, the commission agreed to a request from the state to extend the deadline required to file written briefs to March 16. After all briefs are filed, Dandamundi will issue his ruling, although it’s not known how much longer afterwards.

READ: Media lies to public, claims Missouri Planned Parenthood lost license for political reasons

This St. Louis Planned Parenthood facility is notoriously dangerous to patients. At least 74 women have been injured there. State health reports found more than one “failed abortion.” Women have been sent to the hospital from that facility on average once every six weeks. There were also numerous health and safety violations, with even more problems found in the Missouri Senate Review. Women were specifically told by the facility staff not to call 911 if they experienced an emergency after an abortion, but to call Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile, women were being maimed.

According to the unredacted 62-page Statement of Deficiencies obtained by Operation Rescue, one patient was almost killed after she suffered a botched abortion. The abortionist proceeded with the procedure, despite her placenta partially and dangerously covering the cervical opening. The patient hemorrhaged and lost over half of her blood volume. Her condition was known as placenta previa, and as seen in this case, it can make abortion extremely dangerous.

As the Missouri Planned Parenthood faces potential closure, a new facility just across the state border was opened in Illinois. However, it appears to have the same problems, with numerous women already injured despite only being open for a few short months. A woman was injured within the first week of opening, and unsurprisingly, the Illinois facility is part of the same affiliate — Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri — as the St. Louis facility. The only question is, how long will these facilities be allowed to injure women and kill children before they’re finally shut down for good?

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