
‘Dear Abby’ tells teenage girl scared of forced abortion to go to Planned Parenthood

A teenager facing an unplanned pregnancy is very likely facing what will be the most stressful time in her life. A teenager that wants to fight to give her baby life could very well face even more stress and hardship.

If her parents want her to have an abortion and she refuses, she could face financial hardship, homelessness, even violence. Abortionists are, too often, all too happy to look the other way, even when the patient tells them that they are being pressured to get an abortion.

A recent “Dear Abby” column featured a question from a teenage girl, scared because she is pregnant and wants to keep the baby.

I have had a very strained relationship with my father for many years. My mother and I are not close because she was incarcerated for most of my life until recently.

I am 16 now, and just found out I’m pregnant. No one knows except the father of my child. For some reason, he is thrilled for us. I, on the other hand, am terrified of the uncertainties.

I know what my father will say. He will want me to get an abortion, but I would never choose that for myself or for my baby. My mother is struggling since she was released from prison and is still trying to get on her feet. I live with my grandparents, who don’t have the means to support a child.

It seems like my only option is to move in with my boyfriend and his family while I finish school and then get a job. Please give me an unbiased perspective.

What was Abby’s advice for this scared teenager? Well, it was possibly the worst advice she could have given a girl afraid of being pressured into an abortion and who wants to keep her baby. She told her to go to Planned Parenthood.

You appear to be an intelligent young woman, so I will give it to you straight. Although you think you know what your father will say, you can’t know for sure until you talk to him and tell him what’s going on. I’m advising you to do that because you may need his help. A loving father will give it to you. If you decide to have this baby, he can’t force you to get an abortion.

You and your baby’s father should also talk to his parents, so that, if necessary, you will be able to stay with them. You must also be sure to have the best prenatal care possible, so your child will be born healthy. Planned Parenthood has clinics where this care is offered, and you should contact it as soon as possible. If you check its website, www.plannedparenthood.org, you also will find information about adoption.

Abby must be out of her mind to tell a girl looking to avoid an abortion to go to Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood’s first priority is abortion. Period. They do not exist to give women prenatal care or to help them keep their babies. All one needs to do to find that out is to look at their annual report — over 94 percent of women who walk into Planned Parenthood get an abortion. Abortion comprises almost all of their pregnancy “services.” Under Cecile Richards’ stellar leadership, prenatal care has plummeted with the vast majority of clinics not offering the service.

Planned Parenthood also only gives out one adoption referral for every 149 abortions they perform. Prenatal services have been cut in half since 2009. But there’s no shortage in the number of abortions they perform, which continue to climb higher and higher. A baby is aborted every 90 seconds at Planned Parenthood.

Obviously, Planned Parenthood isn’t the place to send a girl who is looking to avoid abortion.

But surely, if she were to go in there saying she wants to keep the baby and her father is pressuring her to have an abortion, a Planned Parenthood abortionist would not go through with it, right?

The majority of women who have abortions report feeling that they were pressured into it, studies have found. That means that over half the time, Planned Parenthood is dropping the ball. Apparently, five quick questions isn’t enough to determine whether or not a woman really wants an abortion, which is what Planned Parenthood uses for their “counseling.”

But then, Planned Parenthood doesn’t really care what a woman is going through. It doesn’t care if she’s being forced to get an abortion, or if she’s the victim of sexual abuse or rape. They care solely about getting their blood money, and they consider themselves to be above the law.

In both real-life situations and in Live Action investigations, Planned Parenthood has shown that it is willing to cover up the sexual abuse and rape of children when those they are brought in for abortions. Planned Parenthood puts abortion above the victims of human trafficking, so when these victims are brought into abortion mills for their forced abortions, staffers will look the other way and deliver the victims right back into the hands of their captors.

Let’s be real here: Planned Parenthood is an evil organization, and it’s the last place that a young, scared, pregnant girl worried about being forced into an abortion by her father needs to go. This girl is a sheep, and Abby wants to send her into a den of wolves. Shame on her.

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