Dear Planned Parenthood,
Since your president, Cecile Richards, announced you would all stop accepting money for baby body parts, the commentary hasn’t exactly gone your way. It just plain out smells fishy. To thinking Americans, there are few reasons to do an about-face on policy unless guilt (and blood) is involved.
Current Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) announced that Richards’ declaration failed to solve your problems. Announcements – however fancifully worded – don’t get investigations canceled.
While Planned Parenthood and other organizations may try to publicly distance themselves from the gruesome industry of selling of fetal baby parts, today’s announcement does not change the facts of the [Congressional] investigation.
Representative Diane Black (R-TN) chimed in, calling you on the carpet:
It is curious that, while Planned Parenthood officials maintain there has been no wrongdoing, they still find it necessary to change their policy following the recent undercover videos. Clearly, this was a decision motivated by optics rather than the organization’s conscience.
If Planned Parenthood truly wanted to confront its growing scandal, it would stop aborting more than 327,000 innocent lives each year and fully commit to true women’s health care…In light of this news, I suppose Doctor Mary Gatter will have to find another way to get her Lamborghini, but rest assured – this development does not change my conviction that Planned Parenthood should not be subsidized by American taxpayers.
On Twitter, Federalist co-founder Sean Davis explained the basic sequence of the statements you’ve been making since the whole scandal broke – in plain English:
"We're not doing that."
"You can't prove we did that."
"You can't prove that's illegal."
"We promise we'll stop."— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 13, 2015
Republican presidential candidate, Senator Ted Cruz (who is currently in third place) stated what is obvious to so many of us: Claiming to change policy in the future does nothing to remedy your past lawbreaking. Cruz told Newsmax:
That doesn’t answer the question that they were caught on film repeatedly violating federal law, essentially admitting to a pattern of felony. It is a federal criminal offense punishable by 10 years in prison to sell the body parts of unborn children for profit. That’s exactly what Planned Parenthood was shown doing.
If they’re announced they will stop committing criminal conduct, I suppose that is a marginal improvement — but, nonetheless, they should be held accountable for their actions. They should be investigated by the Department of Justice. They should be prosecuted. Under no circumstances should we be sending $500 million of your and my taxpayer money to fund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.
They’re in the business of taking the lives of unborn children and they’ve now been implicated in an ongoing criminal conspiracy. So, of course, we should stop the taxpayer funding — and if I’m elected president, that’s exactly what we’ll do.
Christianity Today quoted National Right to Life’s Director of Education and Research, Randall K. O’Bannon, who understands your motives perfectly.
Pragmatism, not humanity, has prevailed. [It is] only an indication that the situation for Planned Parenthood had gotten so hot and negative that a decision was made not to risk half a billion in government funds and hundreds of millions in revenues from abortion…
Alliance Defending Freedom (a top legal organization you are no doubt aware of that wins nearly 80% of its cases) called your new claim a mere “distraction,” writing in a press release:
“Cecile Richards’ announcement amounts to an admission of guilt. The fire that Planned Parenthood’s misdeeds started has been too hot, and she mistakenly thinks this will put water on it,” said ADF Litigation Counsel Kellie Fiedorek. “Today’s announcement does nothing to address whether Planned Parenthood continues to alter abortions to obtain intact body parts, nor does it address Planned Parenthood’s widespread fraudulent billing practices, documented failures to report the sexual abuse of girls who undergo abortions, and the sexualizing of children.”
“Ms. Richards never once explains how Planned Parenthood calculated the costs of procuring fetal remains in order to sell them because she can’t,” Fiedorek explained. “The price-per-specimen approach she admitted to in her August letter to Congress is a profit-driven system, pure and simple. The American people have a right to get to the bottom of Planned Parenthood’s disturbing activities and to demand that not one more penny of their tax dollars goes to fund them.”
Planned Parenthood, your claims, policy change and general run-around add up to just one thing: guilt. Try as you might, you can’t keep pulling the wool over our eyes. We see you for what you are.
(For more on how Richards’ announcement proves the abortion giant’s guilt, go here.)