Fact Checks

Let’s debunk the 4 big lies in this political ad accusing dads of ‘hate’ for opposing abortion

The Lincoln Project, a political action committee (PAC) that claims to be “fighting against Trumpism,” has released an election ad intended to pressure men — whom abortion advocates long bullied into silence regarding abortion — into supporting abortion as a way to protect their daughters. The ad contains a continuous stream of propaganda meant to manipulate male voters.

Using the fake story of a young pregnant woman rushed through hospital halls, clearly facing a medical emergency, the ad features anxiety-inducing medical beeping and a woman’s cries to instill stress and fear before a young female voice speaks.

“It didn’t need to end this way, Dad,” she says. “You were so excited to be a grandfather. When you walked me down the aisle, those were happy tears. College, high school, sports, I could always count on you. You are my protector, my hero. You always made me feel safe, loved, like I was the most important person in the world.”

And then, the video cuts to an image of Donald Trump. “But it turned out he was more important,” says the female voice.

The ad shows more video clips of Trump, and abortion news coverage that presents the entirely imagined scenario that critically ill pregnant women would have to go to court, dying, to request permission for abortions from a judge to save their own lives.

“You knew what he did,” the young woman’s voiceover continues. “You knew his politics would end my freedom, my rights, my life. You chose hate over me.”

Let’s break down the four very big lies in this ad.

LIE #1: Pro-life laws prevent life-saving care.

The ad promulgates the idea that young pregnant women, excited about the birth of their children but facing medical emergencies, will die because pro-life laws prevent them from receiving medical care.

This is a complete lie that has been repeatedly debunked. There is not a single pro-life law that prevents a pregnant woman from receiving life-saving medical care during pregnancy.

Board-certified OB/GYN and CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), Dr. Christina Francis, confirmed this in her response to the ad, writing, “Shame on you @ProjectLincoln for spreading blatant lies. Every law in the country allows for OBGYNs like me to intervene immediately when a woman has a potentially life-threatening condition. Stop intimidating people with lies. Pro-life laws protect women and girls.”

Dr. Francis is correct. Every single pro-life law protecting preborn children from abortion has an exception that includes allowing doctors to carry out an induced abortion (the direct and intentional killing of a preborn child) in cases of medical emergency — regardless of the child’s gestational age.

Abortion advocates, however, want Americans to believe that preterm delivery, care for ectopic pregnancies, and emergency C-sections are all considered abortions under state pro-life laws. They are not — and that leads to the next lie.

LIE #2: Abortion is life-saving care.

Abortionists, pro-abortion politicians, and media outlets have been making the claim that women are dying or suffering injuries from being denied induced abortions (the intentional killing of their preborn babies) in medical emergencies, and acting as if induced abortion is the standard of care in each case. This ad is essentially leading viewers to believe that same claim, and as has been proven before, this claim is false.

There is no medical reason to intentionally and directly kill the preborn child in order to save the mother’s life. Induced abortion — which is what pro-life laws prohibit — is the direct and purposeful killing of preborn children. Even when a pregnancy must end, a preborn child doesn’t need to be intentionally killed.

Pro-life laws do not prohibit the life-saving care of chemotherapy, surgery for ectopic pregnancy, preterm delivery for preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) or insufficient cervix, or any health condition or pregnancy complication.

“In situations where the mother’s life is truly in jeopardy, her pregnancy must end and her baby must be delivered,” explained neonatologist Kendra Kolb, MD. “These situations occur in cases of mothers who develop dangerously high blood pressure, have decompensating heart disease, life-threatening diabetes, cancer, or a number of other very serious medical conditions. Some babies do need to be delivered before they are able to survive outside of the womb, which occurs around 22 to 24 weeks of life. These situations are considered a preterm delivery and not an abortion.”

When doctors fail to provide life-saving treatments to women, it isn’t because of pro-life laws, but because of that doctor’s either unintentional or intentional misunderstanding of those laws and misunderstanding of what an induced abortion is.

If doctors don’t understand the difference between the natural death of a preborn child or premature newborn and the intentional killing of those children (often through lethal injections and dismemberment), the problem is with the doctor, not the law.

Delivering a baby early to save the life of the mother and making an effort to save both lives is not an abortion. Not even if the baby dies as a result of having to be delivered too early to survive.

LIE #3: A woman would have to go to court in a medical emergency to get permission to end a pregnancy.

In the ad, Lawrence O’Donnell, host of “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell,” claimed, “Each one of those abortion bans includes strict legal rules — rules that are designed to be impossible to comply with. How does a mother who is dying in a hospital bed get to a courthouse to prove to a judge that she’s dying?”

This is nothing short of fear-mongering. It’s built into pro-life laws that abortion is allowed during medical emergencies.

In addition, not one of the pro-life laws allows for women to be punished for their own abortions. It is the doctor, who under some of the laws, would have to prove in court that ending the baby’s life through intentional killing was necessary — after the fact.

Doctors are expected to use their best medical judgment on a daily basis, but somehow we’re to believe that using their best medical judgment is too tall a task when it comes to a medical emergency pertaining to a pregnant woman.

LIE #4: A loving father would support abortion.

Just like the old slogan, “Choosy moms choose Jif,” the Lincoln Project ad browbeats viewers with the idea that loving fathers should want legalized abortion — ostensibly so their daughters can kill their grandchildren — and it aims to guilt-trip pro-life men. It’s a whole new trend in abortion marketing — making men who have been bullied into silence for years, and told “no uterus, no opinion,” feel guilty about not speaking out now, in favor of the killing of preborn children.

Though not quite as overtly propagandistic as the Lincoln Project ad about choosing “hate” over a daughter’s life, a recent pro-Kamala Harris video about “girl dads” who support abortion is giving off — in the words of some — “cringe” vibes.

Appearing alongside Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff and his daughter Ella, Ben Stiller and Andy Cohen talk about why they support abortion as ‘girl dads.’

Ella starts off the one-minute clip by attempting to shame men who aren’t pro-abortion into going against their natural instinct to protect. “To all the dads out there, I would say: ‘This is the time to really show your support for your daughters,” she insists.

Because supporting daughters means supporting their so-called “right” to kill innocent children — your grandkids! Right, dads?

Cohen proclaims, “My vote for Kamala is an investment in my daughter’s future.”

Stiller states, “I agree, I’m right there with you,” adding that his 22-year-old adult daughter is “a feminist.”

Emhoff follows up with, “When the Dobbs decision came out two plus years ago, I heard from Kamala right away and then the next person was Ella. She texted me right away, essentially saying we need to fight. This is not just an issue for women. This is an issue for men and families. And this is one of the many, many reasons why we’ve got to elect Kamala as president.”

Ella concluded that it’s “time for the men to step up and show that they actually support us.”

Because, fellas, if you don’t support any and all women — even your own daughters — in the unquestionably empowering decision to end an innocent, defenseless life… well, then clearly you haven’t yet proven to them your love and support. “Showing support” is now equivalent with making sure the ladies in your life can kill off future generations at will, and without a hint of a hesitation or objection from you, Sir! In fact, you must celebrate it as “investing” in their future!

The conversation clearly shows three men acting as if their daughters’ futures depend on the deaths of their future grandchildren. It also shows their lack of will to protect their daughters from any of abortion’s horrific effects on women’s mental or physical health.

But beyond even this, Katy Faust, founder and president of the pro-child’s rights organization, Them Before Us, pointed out in a Facebook post that Cohen’s two-year-old daughter “*actually* has fewer rights than other women.”

Faust continues, “Because via #surrogacy Andy denied her right to be known, raised, and loved by her mother. If he wanted to ‘invest in her future,’ he wouldn’t give her #kamala[,] he’d give her a mom.”


Both the ad from The Lincoln Project and the pro-Kamala Harris video act as if the only freedom and ‘right’ women have ever had or will ever need is the false right and freedom to kill their own children. This sort of minimization is definitely not feminist.

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill

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