Joan Andrews Bell, Jonathan Darnel, and Jean Marshall were found guilty this afternoon on charges of conspiracy against rights and FACE Act violations and were immediately taken into custody by federal marshalls. Their trial was the second of two which stemmed from an October 2020 rescue action at the Washington Surgi-Clinic (WSC) abortion facility in D.C. The defendants will be appealing their guilty verdicts.
Bernadette Patel, who was present in the courtroom, described the scene following the delivery of the verdicts:
Joan Bell’s children were in the audience shaking and crying. Joan took off her red shirt to reveal a bright yellow shirt with the words “Pro Life” written on it. Jonathan Darnel gave a wave before being escorted out. Jean Marshall brought a doctor’s note saying that she was scheduled for a hip replacement, but the judge refused to keep her under house arrest, and all were taken away.
Joan Bell, who represented herself, wrote both opening and closing statements which were so heavily censored by the court that she opted not to deliver them at all. Live Action News has obtained the text of those intended statements.
Bell’s intended opening statement reads:
I am a pacifist. Always have been. As a kid growing up on a farm, my dad had to deal with me blocking the cattle loading chute to prevent the calves from going to slaughter. When I got old enough I realized animals had a purpose. They are not people. As long as they are not abused and … are dealt with humanely it is all right that they fulfill that purpose.
Being Catholic, and knowing human life is sacred, I’ve been deeply involved in fighting injustice against persons since my pre-teens. From the civil rights movement, Citizens Against the Death Penalty, the anti-war movement of the 1960s and 70s, and the pro-life movement (resisting the worst mass murder of all).
My means of resistance have always been totally non-violent along with compassion and respect shown toward those with whom I am in opposition.
Gandhi and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. have been my spiritual mentors. Jesus Christ is the ultimate standard: lay down your life for others.
I vehemently opposed the anti-war movement leadership when those around me were verbally disrespecting the police by calling them “pigs” and calling soldiers “baby killers.” I opposed and finally departed any group that would not cease or that promoted violence, verbal or otherwise. That stands true to this very day. And I will tell you the most caring and non-violent group I have ever been part of is the pro-life movement. After over 50 years working with thousands of others to protect human life in this cause, this is the most compassionate, most caring, most non-violent people I have ever been part of verbally and physically. Yes, I have blocked the killing of babies, but never verbally accosted an abortionist or anyone else, especially a pregnant mother. We love them.
At a rescue before this one, I had an abortionist say, “I know you love me.”
Please understand we have an absolute standard that cannot be violated whether you are sidewalk counseling, or at a pro-life march or rally, or doing a rescue inside or outside a building: YOU MAY NOT TOUCH ANYONE! If you are assaulted you can only lay down to protect yourself. To protect someone else you cannot touch the attacker … you are only allowed to block the attacks of others by putting your own body between the assailant and the victim. If the victim is on the ground, you can place your body over the other to take the blows for him or her. This is an absolute standard. Nothing else is tolerated.
Bell’s intended closing statement reads:
I did not want a lawyer representing me, though the court insisted I have a lawyer as a legal advisor in the courtroom and Mr. Stephen Brennwald has been a great blessing, and I do thank the court. But I did not want to be represented because the little babies being put to death on the day I and others attempted to rescue them were never given due process of law before their falsely legal execution: no day in court, no representation.
Please understand. I can love God in or out of prison. I can pray in or out of prison. What matters to me is for you to know that God loves you with a passion! I hope with all my heart that if you do not already know this that one day you will come to know this Truth personally and deeply. God bless you.
In spite of the rescuers’ clear non-violent intentions and actions, these three defendants, like the five who were convicted in the previous trial, were not allowed to remain at liberty pending sentencing but were taken immediately to jail, because they allegedly committed crimes of violence.