
Defendants speak out after one-year anniversary of FACE Act convictions

August 29, 2024, marks the one-year anniversary of the federal trial in which five pro-life activists – Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, and Herb Geraghty – were found guilty of “conspiracy against rights” and FACE Act violations. In the following weeks, more activists were convicted, including Jonathan Darnel, Paulette Harlow, Joan Andrews Bell, and Jean Marshall.

DC Face Act trial defendants

Photo: Twitter/X (L to R: John Hinshaw, Lauren Handy, Herb Geraghty, Will Goodman)

The activists were arrested and convicted for their October 2020 rescue action at the D.C.-based Washington Surgi-Clinic (WSC), the abortion facility run by notorious abortionist Cesare Santangelo. During that rescue, the pro-life activists are said to have used chains, bike locks, furniture, and their bodies to prevent abortions from being committed and to prevent police from removing them from the premises — non-violent protest tactics commonly used for years.

L to R: Joan Bell, Jonathan Darnel, Jean Marshall

In light of the one-year anniversary of the August conviction, Goodman and Darnel have both released statements from prison, where they are serving their sentences.

Goodman, who was sentenced to 27 months in prison (with credit for nine months of time served), begins his statement by praising God, even in the midst of darkness:

On the coming Feast of St. Augustine, August 28 (my birthday too), I will have served one full year in prison for the preborn along with my fellow DC rescuers known as the “Garland 9.” I do understand this past year as actual service. The time has been hidden work for our most defenseless and hidden sisters & brothers. Our imprisonment was designed by the enemies of human life to be a punishment, but the Lord has permitted the sentence to be a focused time of prayer & small sacrifice in service of the absolute abandoned.

I want to first thank Jesus Christ for being with me during every moment of these past 365 days. “The Lord is good and merciful” as King David prays in the Psalms. Amen!

For all of my friends who have remembered us rescuers behind bars in their prayers & letters & emails & acts of charity — thank you — we are most grateful! Your support means so much to us as we live as captive POWs (prisoners of war) in this spiritual & cultural war. God bless you all for not forgetting us!

Even more important than supporting the Garland 9, we are thankful for all of you who have not forgotten the real victims of this spiritual battle: the preborn babies, their mothers, and their fathers, as well as those in the abortion industry who have been deceived by the true enemy. Thank you for serving them in the countless ways that Almighty God has called you to serve. You are each a blessing! 

He later notes that God has allowed him to minister to other inmates in prison — many of whom are suffering because of abortion (emphases added):

There are also opportunities to discuss our DC rescue and our federal case. Most of the inmates here are utterly shocked that we rescuers are in federal prison for trying to save lives in a peaceful rescue effort. They are in complete disbelief that the Department of Justice directed the FBI to raid the homes of several elderly grandparents whose only “crime” was to truly understand that human life is sacred.

In other forms of prison outreach, it’s sad to say that I’ve met numerous men who have lost their babies to prenatal killing. More than a few of these guys have lamented that their girlfriends chose to abort their child without them even knowing. Only yesterday, I got word that one of my new friends here just heard from his girlfriend that she murdered their baby while he was stuck in prison. He was so looking forward to getting out relatively soon and seeing her & meeting their precious child. Sadly, that won’t happen now as his little one is no more.

It is heartbreaking. Please pray for each of these men suffering the trauma of their families being touched by the cold hand of death through the evil of abortion.

Darnel, an Iraq war veteran, was sentenced to 34 months in federal prison with credit for time served, amounting to approximately 25 months. His statement highlights what he feels is the injustice in the treatment of those who were involved in the rescue attempt:

I never expected incarceration to be comfortable.  But I didn’t anticipate the discomfort being so pointless. 90% of it has nothing to do with punishing or even rehabilitating criminals, but is all a result of negligence and incompetence.

People should realize that one does not simply ‘go to prison’ after conviction.  If the court decides you are dangerous (and pro-abortion courts always will), expect to spend 6 – 12 months languishing in a local jail waiting for the BOP to finally find a place for you. 

You will never go outdoors, never receive visitors, never move more than 25 meters in one direction, never (or rarely) wear footwear that doesn’t hurt, never touch an actual toothbrush, pen or pillow, attend religious services only infrequently as they are constantly cancelled without notice, rarely receive a haircut, be subjected to cacophonous noise even in the middle of the night and raids by guards that leave your cell a complete mess as they search for benign items like fruit and plastic bags, freeze to death in August due to excessive AC, eat unhealthy food, lose weight even if you don’t need to and feel constantly threatened by individuals who think respect means intimidation and kindness is weakness. 

Pro-lifers need to understand this is the reality of the US prison system.

Darnel previously spoke with Live Action News in an exclusive interview; more of his thoughts regarding activism, incarceration, and the work of the pro-life movement can be found here.

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill

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