Human Rights

“Defining Moment 2012”: 40 Days for Life teleconference

40 days for life

Last night, Tuesday, April 26, the leaders of 40 Days for Life put on a teleconference that I was privileged to be part of, along with 2,699 other pro-lifers from all over. It focused on 2012 as the Defining Moment, highlighting the recent victories witnessed during the last 40 Days for Life spring campaign. The recording is available here. A PDF file Action Guide to the event is available here.

The 2012 Spring Campaign of 40 Days for Life met with gigantic success. A record number of 883 babies were saved because of the dedicated efforts of pro-lifers.

  • 261 local campaigns across North America and around the world
  • Over 100,000 participants
  • For more than 30,000 individuals, this spring campaign was their first-ever pro-life activity
  • 4,000+ churches actively involved
  • More than 300 news stories (including stories from Associated Press, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC, Laura Ingraham, BBC)
  • 8 abortion workers quit their jobs and left the industry
  • 3 abortion facilities went out of business

We heard recorded messages from campaign leaders in Pittsburgh, PA; Milwaukee, WI; Glendale, AZ; London, England; and a special testimony from Sue Theyer, a former abortion worker, who successfully closed the abortion clinic she used to work at in Storm Lake, Iowa.

New steps are going to be taken for the next 40 Days for Life this fall (the fall campaign lasts from Sept. 26 to Nov. 4). There will be more training, more tools, and a greater use of technology.

This is the 40th year of legalized abortion in America. This has huge significance to the 40 Days for Life leaders. We, all of us, can make this year the Defining Moment that drastically turns the tides in the abortion battle. Spread the news about 40 Days for Life and their huge international victories, and let’s get ready for the fall campaign! David Bereit says – make 2012 the Defining Moment, the beginning of the end!

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