Planned Parenthood has a long history of deceiving women about prenatal development, often telling women that their preborn babies in the first trimester are not actually ‘babies’. However, even in the embryonic stage of life, a human being is still a human being.
When a woman named Tommie was pressured by her husband to abort their child, the first abortion facility they visited sent her away, telling her she was too far along for an abortion — but then her husband took her to Planned Parenthood. When she asked the “counselor” there if her child could feel pain, the answer she received was not an honest one:
I asked her if it was a baby. She laughed and said it was just a blob of tissue. I then asked if it would feel any pain. She asked, “How can a blob of tissue feel pain?” That was the end of the counseling session.
As Live Action News previously reported, former Planned Parenthood worker Catherine Anthony Adair said in 2011, “Planned Parenthood’s mission is to pressure as many women into having an abortion as it can. Those in charge know that can’t be accomplished if they refer to the child as a ‘baby.'” While Adair made this statement 14 years ago, this practice isn’t likely to have changed; Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers have only increased over the past decade, rising 20% from 2012-13 to 2022-23. The abortion corporation’s taxpayer funding also increased by 29%, hitting a whopping $700M in 2023, as client numbers have plummeted along with legitimate healthcare services.
In one undercover video filmed by Live Action at a Planned Parenthood facility in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a Planned Parenthood staffer was caught telling a pregnant investigator that at six to eight weeks LMP (four to six weeks post-fertilization), there is “no baby.” The undercover investigator, Sara, asked the staff member what happens during an abortion, saying, “So, you see the baby?”
The Planned Parenthood staffer claimed, “There’s no baby at this point. You wouldn’t be able to identify any parts of the fetus whatsoever. … [A]t this point, there’s nothing developed at all. There’s no legs, no arms, no brain, no heart. At this point, it’s just the embryo itself.”
Further along in the conversation, the Planned Parenthood staffer reiterated, “It’s a quick procedure and women are early enough along where there is no real — real um — fetal matter. It’s not like arms and legs and, you know — it’s not. It’s just embryos.”
This is false.
It’s no wonder Planned Parenthood is upset that some states have voted to add prenatal development to their sex education curricula in schools — and Live Action’s “Baby Olivia” video could potentially be used to show the truth about human development in the womb. Planned Parenthood, however, has called the video “propaganda” — while it lies to women about prenatal development:
At six to eight weeks LMP, or four to six weeks post-fertilization, the baby’s heart has been beating and pumping blood for at least half of its life — since 21 days (three weeks) post-fertilization. Yet Planned Parenthood staffers don’t tell women about this.
By five weeks post-fertilization, the baby has eyes, arm buds, and legs. In addition, as explained by the Endowment for Human Development (EHD) whose prenatal timeline is used by National Geographic, at eight weeks LMP (six weeks post-fertilization), brain wave activity has begun, along with embryonic movement. Planned Parenthood staffers don’t tell women about these milestones, either.
The embryoscopy video below, from EHD, shows a preborn child at just over seven weeks after fertilization (nine weeks LMP), who is exhibiting hiccups and a startle response:
Telling women anything other than the truth about their babies’ development and spreading medical misinformation is unacceptable behavior for any business, but especially from a business that portrays itself as a “healthcare provider” while collecting nearly $700M in federal taxpayer funding each year.
Women don’t need Planned Parenthood, which only serves about two percent (2%) of all women of reproductive age in the United States. What women need and deserve is honest and real health care that values their lives and the lives of their children.