Planned Parenthood receives $700 million in taxpayer funding every year, under the pretense that it provides “health care.” But as numerous undercover videos have shown, the abortion business is concerned about maintaining and expanding its business of killing of preborn children.
In 2015, a series of undercover videos from the Center of Medical Progress (CMP) revealed that some of its affiliates weren’t content with just killing the preborn children; they were trying to abort the babies as intact as possible in order to then sell the body parts. DeShawn Taylor, medical director emerita of Planned Parenthood Arizona, candidly spoke about the gruesome business with some of CMP’s undercover journalists, who posed as fetal tissue buyers.
In their discussion, Taylor joked that she had to “hit the gym” due to the strenuous nature of dismembering some of the preborn babies without digoxin, especially those abortions that occur after 20 weeks:
Digoxin, referred to as “dig” in the video, is a feticide injected into the fetal heart, fetal body, or amniotic sac to induce fetal death during some abortion procedures. Digoxin may not be administered if the child’s body parts are set to be harvested by procurement agencies after the abortion. But as Taylor jokingly told the undercover journalists, she preferred to use it because it made dismembering the baby “easier.”
“My biceps appreciate when the ‘dig’ works,” she laughed, explaining that dismemberment abortions without the use of digoxin require “more force.”
“I have to hit the gym for this [abortion], I need to hit the gym,” she said.
The abortion procedure Taylor was laughing about is the dilation and evacuation (D&E) method, in which the abortionist uses a sopher clamp to pull child the child apart limb by limb. As Taylor noted, the process also involves the “decompression of the calvarium” for the child to come out — in other words, the baby’s skull needs to be crushed.
Taylor also mentions that she commits elective abortions up to 24 weeks — past the age at which a child could survive outside the womb — and mentions that while abortions at this late stage don’t bother her, she has to be careful about leaving a child too intact because “I gotta worry about my staff [if it] comes out looking like a baby.”
Taylor’s joking, casual attitude in discussing the killing of preborn children so that their body parts could then be sold for profit is far from unique. The CMP undercover videos reveal numerous conversations centered around harvesting the body parts of aborted children, with abortionists gleefully discussing kidneys, spinal cords, gonads, and more — often while casually munching on salad or sipping wine.
Planned Parenthood brutally kills over 1,000 babies each day, and as is evident in this and other undercover videos, they give little regard to the women and children they victimize (Taylor even bristles when she says that the agency charged with issuing the fetal death certificates refer to the aborted children as “babies”).
There’s no need for American taxpayer dollars to fund an organization that cares so little for human life. It’s time to defund Planned Parenthood.