Earlier this year, a new series of Planned Parenthood billboards which read, “birth control for your lifestyle” began popping up throughout the state of Delaware. It was around this same time that Delaware Right to Life was planning the release of a fresh billboard of their own in response to President Obama’s attack on individual and religious liberty through his HHS mandate. Thanks to Planned Parenthood, Delaware Right to Life didn’t have to look too far in order to obtain inspiration for the project.

Delaware Right to Life’s new billboard campaign.
Delaware Right to Life debuted the brand new design at their Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally that was held on Friday, June 8, in Wilmington, Delaware. “They are already making an impact; we have gotten some interesting phone calls,” stated Nicole Collins, president of Delaware Right to Life.
The organization is also using the campaign as a means of drawing the public’s attention to “the abortificient nature of many forms of contraception” as well as negative health that can result from hormonal contraception including an increase of certain types of cancer. This information can be accessed from the main page of their website.
Delaware Right to Life is hopeful that others across the nation will follow suit in bringing this movement to their own state and adding to the momentum.
To find out more about Delaware Right to Life and their new billboard campaign, visit derighttolife.org and their Facebook page.