In Minnesota, a state full of dedicated pro-life advocates, the abortion rate last year reached its lowest since 1974. Credit for the continued decrease is due to pro-life citizens who have insisted on life-affirming laws despite opposition from the state’s pro-abortion governor, Mark Dayton. Dayton has vetoed every effort pro-lifers made to lower the abortion rate.
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood demonstrates its delusional attitude towards the abortion rate drop in the state, saying that credit for the drop goes to their preventive “services” like STD screenings, and child sex ed programs.
In a letter to the editor in the Sun Current, Sara Stoesz of Planned Parenthood claimed that Planned Parenthood “prevents abortions” through sex ed that is “embraced by parents who want to lower their teen’s risk for issues like teen pregnancy…” Stoesz also made the bizarre claim that their programs open up “lines of communitaction at home and increasing parent-child connectedness.” Parents who saw this Live Action video felt very differently about the parent-child “connectedness” than Planned Parenthood would like the public to believe exists.
Planned Parenthood has inflicted its questionable sex ed principles upon 34,000 Minnesotans every year, according to the letter. That’s 34,000 people a year being “educated” about sexuality by a group that promotes violent, dangerous sex practices. And a group that will put wealth above well-being every time. As long as kids consent to the violence, they say, there is nothing wrong with it. Never mind the coercion that many young teens experience with early sexual partners. Never mind the fact that rope burns and ligature marks are never acceptable to inflict on a child — especially not during a vulnerable period of sexual exploration. Live Action president Lila Rose asked how this sex advice could possibly be good for teens:
What else could an underage girl agree to that Planned Parenthood would call ‘completely normal’? Cuts? Broken bones? Is child sexual abuse ‘completely normal’ if the girl thinks she wants it? Planned Parenthood has covered up the statutory rape of minors for years as well, not taking child sexual abuse seriously. Apparently it’s ‘yes’ to everything – to depraved and dangerous behavior – as long as there’s ‘consent.’
How advice like this is supposedly, according to Planned Parenthood, contributing to an abortion decline in Minnesota is baffling. Pro-life efforts are a much more logical explanation for the abortion drop. According to National Right to Life, this is largely due to a statewide program called Positive Alternatives, which exists to help pregnant women in need. Since the program’s inception, abortions in Minnesota have decreased by nearly 24%. Factual information about abortion’s risks and complications is also credited with a decline in the dangerous procedure. This information is mandated by the Woman’s Right to Know law, and includes details about abortion alternatives. Abortions on minors were also down 27%.