The Democratic 2020 presidential hopefuls are committed to abortion-on-demand. They are even willing to deny medical care to viable, full-term abortion survivors. Yet most of the major players also want to end the death penalty for criminals, allowing convicted felons their right to life while denying the most innocent human beings that same right.
Government-funded killing
One pro-abortion, anti-death penalty argument is that taxpayer dollars shouldn’t be used to kill people. This is hypocritical, as these same Democrats want to continue federally funding the largest abortion business in the country — Planned Parenthood — which committed 332,757 abortions in 2017-2018.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) is against the death penalty in all circumstances because, he says, “I just don’t want to see government be part of killing, that’s all.”
But in truth, Sanders supports the government playing a role in killing human beings. He said he would end the Hyde Amendment, which forbids federal taxpayer dollars from paying for abortion, and his “Medicare for All” bill would allow federal funds to pay for abortion. This would literally mean allowing the government (taxpayers) to pay for the killing of innocent human beings.
As California’s attorney general, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) refused to seek the death penalty against a gang member who killed a young police officer — she had made a campaign promise to not impose capital punishment on anyone. She called it “a waste of taxpayer money” and “not a smart way to keep people safe.”
But while the Trump Administration recently cut Title X funding from organizations that commit abortions, Planned Parenthood still gets millions of taxpayer dollars, and Harris supports this. If she truly wanted to “keep people safe,” she wouldn’t support the predatory abortion industry, which kills innocent children and leads to an increased risk of depression, drug use, and suicide among post-abortive women. The money that kills children could instead go towards helping women through the situations they are in without killing. Abortion doesn’t keep women safe from domestic violence; support does.
READ: Extreme: Where current Democratic presidential candidates stand on abortion
Morally wrong
Many of the Democrats in the presidential race oppose the death penalty on moral grounds. Yet they are 100% in favor of abortion without restrictions. They support allowing even viable children to receive lethal injections simply because their mothers don’t want them.
Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) has voted in favor of capital punishment in the past but recently said that as president, he would end the practice “[…] on moral grounds….” Yet, O’Rourke has reaffirmed he is in favor of aborting viable, healthy children and against assisting babies who survive abortion attempts.
Harris has made similar comments, calling capital punishment “immoral,” yet she voted against banning abortion after 20 weeks gestation when children born as early as 21 weeks have survived and thrived.
Pro-abortion Sen. Cory Booker (D-NY) took to Twitter on World Day Against the Death Penalty in 2016 to quote Coretta Scott King who said, “Justice is never advanced in the taking of a human life.”
“Justice is never advanced in the taking of a human life”#WorldDay Against the #DeathPenalty
— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) October 10, 2016
Despite their arguments against the death penalty on moral grounds, O’Rourke, Harris, and Booker all support killing innocent human beings in the womb through all nine months of pregnancy, even on viable children. And they are against protections for viable babies who survive abortions. That’s immoral.
Racially and financially biased
Washington Governor Jay Inslee, also a presidential candidate, announced a moratorium on the death penalty in Washington in 2014. In 2018, he made a statement supporting the state Supreme Court’s decision to end the death penalty, saying “capital punishment in our state has been imposed in an ‘arbitrary and racially biased manner,’ is ‘unequally applied’ and serves no criminal justice goal.”
He has also said that “The use of the death penalty […is] sometimes dependent on the budget of the county where the crime occurred.”
O’Rourke has made similar remarks, saying there is a “disproportionate number of people of color” who make up those in our prisons and on death row.
Former Colorado governor and presidential hopeful John Hickenlooper said this month that he is against the death penalty because “… depending on where that crime occurs, and in many cases, whether the killer is African-American or Latino, that has a lot to do with who gets tried on a death penalty charge. And the random injustice of that is something that this country should never stand for.”
Harris agrees, saying, “Your race or your bank account shouldn’t determine your sentence.”
But the same is true of abortion. If these pro-abortion candidates applied their thinking to the abortion industry, they would see how discriminatory it is. In New York City, more Black babies are killed than born, and Black and Hispanic women continue to have higher rates of abortion than white women nationwide. Abortion facilities are found largely in poor and minority neighborhoods, home to families that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger considered “undesirable.” These presidential hopefuls, who are against the death penalty because people of color and poor people are unfairly judged and condemned to death, need to realize that the color of a woman’s skin, the size of her paycheck, and her location all impact her abortion risk factor in a negative way.
Innocent victims
Harris, O’Rourke, and Inslee have also mentioned how the death penalty sometimes ends the lives of innocent human beings — an atrocity. They overlook the fact that abortion always ends the lives of innocent human beings.
“.. the death penalty in America has been imposed as a final punishment to many who were later found to be innocent. … Killing one innocent person would be too many,” said Harris.
O’Rourke has said that the criminal justice system is unfair because of a lack of “safeguards” against “wrongful prosecution.” Inslee has said, “Equal justice under the law is the state’s primary responsibility. And in death penalty cases, I’m not convinced equal justice is being served.”
Equal justice is never served for abortion victims, whose lives are considered unworthy by pro-abortion Democrats, despite their innocence.
Following the party line
While pro-abortion Sen. Elizabeth Warren hasn’t stated why she is against the death penalty, she spoke out against it for the Boston Marathon bomber. “You know, my heart goes out to the families here, but I don’t support the death penalty,” she said. Warren is an outspoken supporter of Planned Parenthood, which kills 330,000 humans every year.
Professor of law and jurisprudence Austin D. Sarat, told The Daily Beast that it is now “safer for politicians to take stands against the death penalty” because they are “against executing the innocent.”
A politician who is anti-death penalty and pro-abortion is not actually against executing innocent human beings. Criminals get trials, juries and time to plead their cases. Victims of abortion get nothing of the sort. The Democratic candidates support the slaughtering of innocent humans by dismemberment or lethal injection. If politicians are concerned with protecting human life and fighting discrimination, they should look at the innocent faces of abortion victims and their mothers whom they are failing every day.
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