
Discrimination in action: High school blocks conservative, pro-life sites

Andrew Lampart, an 18-year-old high school student, was trying to do some research for an upcoming class debate on gun control. When he tried to access the National Rifle Association’s website, he found it was blocked. But website for pro-gun control groups, like Moms Demand Action, he was able to access. So he tried checking other sites, and found the same phenomenon among other political lines, with pro-life sites also on the block list.

Lampart investigated further — what about his state’s political parties?

“I immediately found out that the State Democrat website was unblocked but the State GOP website was blocked,” he told WTIC.

Lampart said he tried websites focusing on abortion issues and religion — and what was seeming like a trend continued.

National Right to Life’s site? Blocked. Sites for Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice America? Accessible. Christianity.com and the Vatican’s website? Blocked. But Islam-guide.com? Accessible. Lampart provided WTIC screen printouts of blocked and unblocked sites.

So the Vatican’s website was blocked, allegedly labeled as “hate speech”. NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood are acceptable, but National Right to Life News? Not allowed.

Of course, this is nothing new. Our schools are unfortunately the perfect place for pro-abortion groups to prey on our children. From Planned Parenthood sex ed for elementary schoolers, teachers fired for standing up to Planned Parenthood, giving students the morning-after pill without notifying parents first, even censoring a pro-life group’s posters, there is an obvious pro-abortion bias in American education.

It’s not entirely surprising, then, that a school would be found trying to keep students from being able to access conservative and pro-life websites that would give them options beyond abortion. That’s what the pro-abortion lobby does, right? They hate the idea of pro-lifers speaking up. They want the truth hidden and silenced.

They don’t want people to know the science of reproduction and embryology. They don’t want women being told that there are options and resources, that they have a choice besides just killing their baby. They do everything they can to keep people from seeing the pro-life point of view, and the evidence that supports it.

The truly unfortunate thing is that so many teenagers, people at arguably the most impressionable time in their life, will be exposed to pro-abortion propaganda, without ever getting the chance to find out the truth.

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