Disney star Rowan Blanchard, who starred in the now-cancelled “Boy Meets World” spin-off “Girl Meets World,” has once again spoken out in defense of abortion and Planned Parenthood. This time, she used Instagram to argue that women will “always” have abortions, and to take aim at pro-lifers for fighting to defund Planned Parenthood and end abortion.
Plannedparenthood.org / federal funding does NOT fund planned parenthood abortions so try again. / who are you pro-life for? Are you pro-life when we enter war? Are you pro-life when a unarmed black person is shot by the police? Are you pro-life for a woman who was raped at 16 and got pregnant? Who are you protecting? Yourselves? / don’t support abortion? Cool! Don’t have one
While it’s a typical pro-abortion argument to say that because women will always have abortions, it should be legal, that line of thinking is a fallacy. Rape and murder are illegal, yet people still commit those crimes every day. Slavery was outlawed in the United States over 100 years ago, but human trafficking still takes place. Yet no one would claim that we should relax those laws, so that they could take place “safely.”
It’s also a nonsensical argument to say, “Don’t support abortion? Don’t have one.” Since we know that a new human life with his or her own distinct DNA is created at fertilization, then we also know that abortion kills a very real, living human. Therefore, Blanchard’s statement would be akin to saying, “Don’t like rape? Then don’t rape anyone!” or “Don’t like sexual exploitation? Then don’t exploit anyone!” or “Don’t like child abuse? Then don’t abuse children!”
Americans also do not support taxpayer funding of abortion — and Planned Parenthood, especially, does not deserve it. The organization consistently misleads the public, performs very little health care, and engages in deceptive counseling. Planned Parenthood staff also have been found to coerce women into abortions.
Perhaps most horrifying is how children have been victimized by Planned Parenthood, which has been found to cover up both sexual abuse of children, as well as child sex trafficking.
This isn’t the first time Blanchard has promoted Planned Parenthood to her fans, many of whom are likely to be children themselves (Blanchard is only 15). Last year, she was interviewed by Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards for Paper Magazine’s “Girl Crush” feature. Blanchard called Richards one of her role models in the interview, but what is concerning is how many young girls likely look up to Blanchard, a Disney star, and consider her a role model. Every time Blanchard advocates for abortion, there are countless young girls listening.
If she really knew the truth about Planned Parenthood, would she still defend them?