A new documentary premiering March 8, 2018, is shining a light on the truth in the choice between adoption and abortion. “I Lived on Parker Avenue” features the reunion of 19-year-old David Scotton and his birth parents, Melissa Coles and Brian Nicholas. It follows Scotton on his journey to meet his parents and takes a look at his birth parents’ decision on the day they walked out of an abortion facility and decided to place their son for adoption instead.
When Coles first discovered she was pregnant, she was scared and didn’t tell her family, but she was also excited at the idea of becoming a mother. However, she and Nicholas felt they weren’t equipped to raise a child at that time and decided that they should seek an abortion. But when walking into the abortion facility for the appointment, Coles heard one sentence that would change everyone’s lives.
Upon their arrival at the abortion facility, Coles recalls that there were right-to-life advocates lining the sidewalk. The abortion facility sent staff out to throw a blanket over her head, and as they walked to the door they placed a radio over each of her ears to attempt to block out anything the pro-lifers were saying.

I Lived on Parker Avenue documentary highlights adoption versus abortion.
“But as I was walking in, throughout all the confusion and all the noise,” said Coles, “I remember, I remember this lady saying, ‘That baby has 10 fingers and 10 toes and you’re gonna kill it.'”
Coles and Nicholas continued into the facility, but as she watched the abortionist take his place in the room she knew she couldn’t go through with the abortion. The abortionist rolled his eyes at her, took off his gloves, and left. Coles walked out of the abortion facility with her baby still safe inside her womb, and a big decision ahead of her.
Adoption was a difficult choice to make. After she gave birth, she struggled with letting go of her newborn son. Ultimately, she decided it was the best thing for him even if it would cause her pain. For 19 years she wondered if her son would hate her for choosing adoption or for almost choosing abortion.
READ: Every baby a wanted baby: Four of the best adoption stories of 2017
Scotton grew up with his adoptive parents, Jimmy and Susan Scotton. Susan Scotton had lost two sons, one within a few weeks of his birth and the other at the age of two. Both had died from the same genetic condition. She was thrilled to be adopting a new baby boy. Scotton always knew he was adopted and when Coles reached out through the adoption agency to say she was interested in receiving an update on his life, the steps were put into motion for the birth mother, birth father, and son to be reunited.

Birthmother Melissa Coles struggled with both her initial consideration of abortion and her decision to place her son for adoption.
Scotton has nothing but love and gratitude for his birth parents and reassured them that he felt no ill will towards them. Instead, he thanked them for walking out of the abortion facility and for giving him life, and his adoptive parents shared their gratitude as well. His birth parents were able to let go of years of guilt wondering what their son thought of them, especially since he knew they had made an appointment to abort him.
“I guess I just wanted to, first, thank you for your decision 19 years ago,” said Scotton when he met Coles. Coles was relieved, saying she had felt so guilty, but Scotton assured her that he was never angry with her. He only ever wondered if his birth parents were thinking of him.
Not only was Scotton reunited with his birth parents, but he also learned he has a full sister and a half-sister.
Today, Scotton understands that he is one of the lucky ones – one of the children who escaped the powerful clutches of the abortion industry. He knows he has a mission in life because of it: to spread the word about the beauty of adoption over abortion.
“I Lived on Parker Avenue” is available to watch here and on DVD.