A new PBS documentary glowingly features euthanasia in Belgium, including one performed on video by Dr. Marc Van Hoey, one of the leading advocates of assisted suicide in Belgium. ProWomanProLife featured the video, which will send chills down the spine of any sane person who watches it.
In this video, a woman named Eva wants to be euthanized because she has been struggling with depression her entire life. She is suicidal and has attempted to kill herself many times. Now, she’ll finally be successful, because an obliging Belgian doctor was not bothered at all by the fact that he was killing a healthy young woman who was struggling with mental illness.
The doctor who killed her is not just a random Belgian doctor, either. Dr. Van Hoey is president of Right to Die Flanders and is an active advocate of assisted suicide — or, as he likes to call it, “death with dignity.”
It is beyond disturbing to know that Belgian doctors will happily kill people who are suffering from depression and suicidal tendencies. How can anyone honestly believe that a suicidal person is in the right state of mind to decide to die? In any other context, a person wanting to kill himself is rightly seen as ill and not thinking clearly. In Belgium, they agree that the person should die and hand him a loaded gun.
Featured in the video is Gilles Genicot, co-chair of the Belgium Euthanasia Commission, and he is asked about the cases that horrified the world — cases like that of Nathan Verhelst, a transgender man struggling with mental illness from childhood trauma, or twins euthanized together because they were going blind. But Genicot brushes these cases off as “extremely rare” and says that while it’s “ok to discuss them,” we apparently shouldn’t “bring them to the front.” Yes, because then people might truly understand how sick the euthanasia industry in Belgium is, right?
And Genicot’s claim that cases like these are rare is laughable, especially considering that Verhelst’s death was broadcast on Belgian television. This is the country that now allows children to be euthanized. Belgian doctors will euthanize the elderly and the disabled — not because they’re ill, but just because they say they don’t want to be disabled.
As Dr. Van Hoey points out, all a patient, even a mentally ill patient, has to do is write down his name, the date, and that he wants euthanasia. Then a doctor will happily kill him — and in this twisted world, this is called “death with dignity.”