
Dollars for death: How D.C. Abortion Fund raises money to terminate life


The D.C. Abortion Fund (DCAF) is a non-profit organization that defines empathy and concern as raising money to fund abortions for the women living in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia who want to dispose of an unborn child, but can’t afford to pay for the procedure themselves.

The organization’s logo is a clever coat hanger and their motto is “Her rights shouldn’t depend on her wallet.” In other words, DCAF is looking for willing people to open their wallets and help bankroll the destruction of living flesh and blood.

DCAF has plenty to be proud of. According to their website, in 2013 the non-profit organization “pledged $164,168 on behalf of 758 pregnant patients. Of those offered grants, 598 patients used their pledges and received funding, totaling $132,525 in DCAF grants paid out.”

Remember – all that bloodshed hinges on the unselfish generosity of those looking for the opportunity to assist in making sure that women who want an abortion get one. Just think, without the tax-exempt donations of DCAF supporters, 598 human beings might still be alive today – but they’re not.

One way abortion advocates can help to ensure many more babies are killed next year is to sign up to automatically donate $10 a month or more. Monthly contributors are called ‘sustainers,’ which is an odd thing to call a person contributing money to aid in ending the sustaining of life.

Nonetheless, as a sign of gratitude for unwavering dedication to the cause of death, DCAF bestows a lovely sideways-hanging coat hanger pendant upon proud individuals dedicated to sustaining the ongoing slaughter.

Sustainers can wear the coat hanger pendant as a lighthearted conversation starter, or just as reminder that all it takes is $10 a month to guarantee that instead of nasty old-fashioned coat hangers and back-alley butchers, helpless unborn infants can now be slain by civilized scalpels, suction devices, and saline.

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