In 2009 a billboard was erected in New York’s Soho district that read: “The Most Dangerous Place for an African-American is in the Womb.” That wakeup call was taken down right after it went up. Yet despite the unwillingness to know the truth, the veracity of the message is unchanged.
According to 2009 data presented by New York City’s Department of Health, “Fifty-seven percent of black pregnancies in the city end in abortion,” which, at best, is a shocking piece of data.
Dr. Alveda King, whose uncle is the late Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., defines the murder of black babies in the womb as genocide. A civil rights champion in her own right, King received the Life Prize Award and the Civil Rights Award from the Congress of Racial Equality, and currently serves as a Pastoral Associate with Priests for Life.
Recently, while addressing a group of students at the University of Missouri, Alveda King alerted her audience to the reality that whether they realize it or not, black people are murdering themselves. After being introduced to the people gathered at Columbia’s Jesse Auditorium by Students for Life President Rachelle Engen , Dr. King shared with listeners her family background, her Christian faith, and her unwavering commitment to protect life at all stages.

Dr. Alveda King
Dr. King pointed out in her speech that 16 million African-American children have been aborted since 1973. That means that 27% of the 60 million unborn children who have lost their lives since Roe v. Wade was signed into law were African-American. That is a disturbing figure, especially in light of the fact that blacks make up 13% of the American population.
The genocidal carnage against black babies isn’t limited to one location, either. In Georgia, 53.6 percent of aborted babies are black; in Mississippi 72 percent; and as mentioned before, more black babies die as a result of abortion than are actually born in New York City.
As always, the painfully honest Alveda shared with her audience portions of her testimony, which included the revelation that prior to Alveda’s birth her mother Naomi was encouraged to abort her, and that before her grandfather spoke words that helped her realize the error of her ways, King aborted two of her own babies.
After two abortions, Alveda King’s grandfather influenced her view on the sanctity of life when he told her “The woman has a right to choose what happens to her body, but that baby is not her body.” Dr. King shared, “My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., once said, ‘No one is going to kill a child of mine.’” Grandpa King didn’t realize that “when he saved the life of his next great-grandson with [that] statement… tragically, two of his grandchildren had already been aborted.”
In addition to speaking directly to the group, Dr. King also previewed a documentary entitled “Maafa 21.” The film argues that the original eugenics movement exploited abortion as a means to accomplish African-American genocide. Alveda also previewed “Blood Money,” a film that investigates how racial bigotry and efforts to control population have turned abortion into a profitable business.
In her speech Alveda cited Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 13, which says, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
Dr. Alveda King stressed that “There is only one race on the planet, the human race.” Meanwhile, as the void of “faith, hope and love” continues to grow, genocide against the human race destroys thousands of unborn babies a day.
Still, “a black baby is 5 times more likely to be killed in the womb than a white baby.” That’s why Alveda quoted her wise grandfather’s son – her uncle Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., whose sentiments are applicable to the genocide that is befalling millions of African-American babies in the womb. They are words that every black mother who believes that abortion is a right and a viable option should hear:
“The Negro cannot win as long as he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his children for comfort and safety.”