I close my eyes, and I see a world where death reigns no longer and where the grave is not victorious. I see a world where each new life is welcomed with love, joy, and open arms. This is the world I do battle for each day.
I shut out all the noises around me, competing for my attention. And I hear the silent scream of the innocent child – the scream that few seem to hear as they laugh, play, and make merry. I listen so closely that I am certain I hear even the tiny teardrops that must trickle down a baby’s cheek just before she dies. I hear the children’s cries, and I shout to the people passing by: “Listen! Stop for just a moment, and listen!”
On the hardest days, I like to imagine Heaven. I imagine it as a place where I will meet all the babies I worked to save – all these babies I wept over and dug still graves for in my heart. I imagine them hugging my knees and wanting to be held, swung around and around, and danced with. I hope they know how hard I tried, and failed, to save them.
Yes, I remember the ones I was powerless to save. The young ones who met a cruel death long before their time. I stood in the way, trying to block harm from coming to them, but it was not enough. These dear ones are forever in my heart; I remember them always with sadness. But their memories do not stop me or discourage me. No, they inspire me to continue the battle – to fight until the end. There are so many coming after them, and I must stand in the way of their death, too.
My heart is not perfect, flawless, or without wrong. My life is not great, highly successful, or even an example to follow. My heart merely yearns with all that is in me to speak out for every life that I can. My life, lived for Someone much greater than I, compels me to walk forward and never quit. I refuse to believe that the night lasts forever. And I pray that I will always do everything with love in my heart.
When loss consumes me, I will refuse to look over my shoulder at what is already gone. When pain seems to never end, I will make a spot of joy in this world and offer a hand to someone who hurts more than I do. When death seems to be victorious, I will remember that things are not what they seem. The victory has already been won, and Life is the ultimate victor.
I dream of a safe haven for all babies. I dream of peace and celebration at the birth of all precious little ones. I dream of plenty of food to go around, so that no child is hungry. I dream of warm clothes, blankets, and sweet smiles. I dream of a Love that will one day wipe away all tears. And as long as I am on this earth, I will do my part to make my dreams come true. Will you join me?