
Duggar family rallies for pro-life bill HB2 in Texas

Ending the “baby holocaust” in America.

The Duggar family (of the 19 Kids and Counting TLC series) joined pro-lifers in testifying for HB2, which was previously SB5. This historic bill would ban abortions past 20 weeks in Texas as well as require abortion clinics to meet the requirement of ambulatory surgical centers, and have hospital admittance privileges for abortionists. The Duggars, whose youngest child Josie was born prematurely at 25 weeks, gave their full support to this bill, calling abortion in America a “baby holocaust.”


Image via SBA List.

“I thank God” said Michelle, “that in Neonatal Intensive Care Units across our nation, there are doctors and nurses doing everything they can to save the lives of these precious little creations of God. Yet at the same time in our nation, there is a baby holocaust taking place where doctors and nurses are being paid to take the lives of innocent unborn children.”

She continued, “If the powers which be do not vote to support life, they should be replaced by those who do. People of faith have the responsibility under almighty God to protect innocent lives that cannot yet speak for themselves. If we don’t speak up and stand up and do something to stop this holocaust, the blood of these little ones will be on our hands.”

Michelle ended by urging every one of us to become a “stepping stone for our children and grandchildren and all those that come after us to stop this  baby holocaust in America.”

This bill in Texas needs our support as this slaughter continues. May we follow the Duggars’ example in speaking out about it, and never tire of standing up for the most defenseless among us.

For updates on HB2 and how to get involved, make sure to follow the Texas Alliance for Life on Facebook and Twitter.

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