
Ectopic pregnancy videos reveal unmistakable humanity of preborn babies

ectopic pregnancy humanity

Ectopic pregnancy videos published online reveal the amazing humanity of preborn babies in the womb, even at the beginning stages of development. In some of the videos, the preborn baby is shown still alive when the ectopic pregnancy is removed, but in others, the baby had already died. According to the pro-abortion American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “Ectopic pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterine cavity. The most common site of ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tube.”

Here, Live Action News will share screenshots from various online videos rather than the full videos, due to the difficult, graphic, and sensitive nature of the videos. Links to the various videos are included for readers to view.

WARNING: Photos below may be upsetting for some readers.

 7 weeks

This video purports to show a seven-week preborn baby in an ectopic pregnancy, where the baby’s heart is still beating inside the sac.

Image: Unborn child ectopic pregnancy 7 week gestation beating heart

Preborn child, ectopic pregnancy at seven weeks gestation, with beating heart

8 weeks

According to The Federalist, a video showing an eight week preborn baby at the embryo stage was posted by Jonathon Van Muren of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform with the statement, “This 8-second video of a first-trimester baby tells you everything you need to know about how wrong abortion is.” The perfectly formed preborn baby is shown arching his/her back and moving his/her tiny arms and legs.

Image: Unborn child ectopic pregnancy 8 weeks

Preborn child, ectopic pregnancy, 8 weeks

9 Weeks: 

This video from Mayflower Women’s Hospital purports to show the removal of a nine-week-old preborn child in an ectopic pregnancy.

Image:Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 9 weeks gestation

Preborn baby, ectopic pregnancy, 9 weeks


Image: Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 9 weeks gestation

Preborn baby, ectopic pregnancy, 9 weeks

READ: First trimester babies aren’t blobs of tissue — they’re amazingly complex

10 weeks

This video purports to show a preborn child in an ectopic pregnancy at 10 weeks. The child’s formed body is clearly seen in the physician’s hands below.

Image: Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 10 weeks gestation

Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 10 weeks gestation

This video, which appears to show an already expired preborn child, also shows the baby at 10 weeks:

Image: Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 10 weeks gestation

Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 10 weeks gestation

11 weeks

This video purports to show an 11-week-old preborn baby swimming in the sac in an ectopic pregnancy.

Image: Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 11 weeks gestation

Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 11 weeks gestation

And here the preborn baby had already expired.

Image: Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 11 weeks gestation

Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 11 weeks gestation

13 weeks: 

This video appears to show a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. When the doctor opens the amniotic sac, the baby’s leg is immediately apparent.

Image: Preborn baby foot ectopic pregnancy 13 weeks gestation

Preborn baby’s foot, ectopic pregnancy, 13 weeks gestation


14 weeks

This video purports to show an ectopic pregnancy at 14 weeks gestation.

Image: Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 14 weeks gestation fetal leg

Preborn baby, ectopic pregnancy, 14 weeks gestation (fetal leg)


Image: Preborn baby ectopic pregnancy 14 weeks gestation

Preborn baby, ectopic pregnancy, 14 weeks gestation

Unknown gestation

This video did not specify the baby’s age.

Image: Unborn child ectopic pregnancy unknown gestation

Unborn child ectopic pregnancy unknown gestation


If left undetected, an ectopic pregnancy can be very dangerous for the mother even though removal is not considered an abortion, as the intent is not to deliberately destroy the preborn child. The possibility of undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy is one reason that the FDA still requires women who seek the abortion pill to obtain the drugs at an abortion facility which is supposed to check for ectopic pregnancy.

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