Today, while pro-abortion politicians are seeking to shield abortionists, pro-abortion media allies and other abortion propagandists are manipulating the public into believing that Big Abortion is merely an extension of the American health care sector. But nothing could be further from the truth.
In a series of articles, Live Action News will expose Big Abortion’s dirty little secrets and reintroduce readers to previous examples of the industry’s blatant disregard for health and safety, as well as detail more current cases.
This series will also reveal that since the decriminalization of abortion, Big Abortion has been rife with profiteers who prey on women, operate in filthy conditions, and employ questionable characters to commit abortions. After all, how likely is it that an industry that dismembers preborn human beings for profit will care about health and safety standards?
This is abortion.
Affordable Medical & Surgical Abortion Clinic
An article published by “The Pitch” in 2005 detailed a filthy abortion clinic in Kansas City, Kansas. The facility, which operated under the noses of health inspectors, was accused of having roaches running rampant and fetal remains stored in the refrigerator; there was even a wild allegation that the abortionist ate aborted fetuses for lunch.
Kansas’ Attorney General alleged that the Affordable Medical & Surgical Abortion Clinic, operated by abortionist Krishna Rajanna, was keeping “aborted fetuses in Styrofoam cups in a freezer” and that the abortionist “later heated them up and stirred them into his lunch,” among other allegations.

Rajanna filthy abortion clinic documented by The Pitch in article “MM, MM Good”
According to the 2005 media report, “a theft… brought… detectives William Howard Jr. and Steven Mansaw” to the facility in September 2003.
But while the theft allegation was not proven, Detective Howard claimed he “was shocked by the conditions that he and Mansaw found. There were dirty dishes in the sink and on a tabletop. Trash was strewn around. Roaches crawled across countertops,” The Pitch wrote.
“First, the doctor had an unkempt appearance. Dr. Rajanna lacked personal hygiene. His hair was messy, hands dirty, and his clothing was wrinkled and stained. He put on old, used foot booties while we were there,” the detective told members of a House Committee on Health and Human Services in March of 2005.
Filthy Abortion Clinic
“The clinic was dirty inside,” Detective Howard testified in his affidavit.
“As we proceeded through the facility, I noted the back area was very dark and dingy looking with poor lighting and smelling musty. We entered the ‘break room‘ to interview Rajanna. There were dirty dishes in the sink and on the tabletop, trash everywhere, and roaches crawling across the countertops, with a smell of a stench in the room,” he testified about the facility.
“Frankly, I was reluctant to sit down. I noted there weren’t containers for medical waste with universally recognized hazardous waste labels on them. On the way out my partner observed that the ‘procedure room’ was filthy. He told me that he saw dried blood on the floor and the room looked ‘nasty’ to him,” Detective Howard added.

Rajanna abortion clinic break room and doctor’s office
“The clinic was disorganized. Papers and other miscellaneous documents were strewn about causing there to be ‘clutter’ everywhere. Dr. Rajanna apparently kept very poor records. He could not recall when these alleged thefts had occurred nor was he organized enough to locate any documents to support his allegations. I also noticed that the assistants seemed to be running everything though they were barely out of their teens. There were no credentials on the wall,” Det. Howard said.

Abortion clinic sterilization room
Aborted Babies Kept In Refrigerator
As Detective Howard spoke to employees, he claimed that “In a statement to me one witness/suspect related how Dr. Rajanna was a filthy man who did not properly sterilize his equipment. The medical equipment was cleaned with Clorox and water then put in a ‘dishwasher.'”
“The aborted fetuses were placed inside Styrofoam cups and put in the refrigerator freezer next to TV dinners. The female witness went on to describe of how she and other girls actually witnessed Rajanna microwave one of the aborted fetuses and stir it into his lunch…. This witness claimed other employees who had seen him do the very same thing,” he testified.

Rajanna filthy abortion clinic fetus kept in refrigerator
Pregnant Staffers Allegedly Terminated
“The initial witness related that she felt that she had been terminated because she was pregnant. She was repeatedly encouraged to terminate the pregnancy and told that she would not serve as a good representative of this clinic by carrying the pregnancy to term. According to this witness, she was starting to feel compassion for the females who were being summarily ushered in and out without adequate recovery time,” Det. Howard claimed.
The staffer, Julia Walton Garcia, allegedly went to a local pregnancy center where she told them, “I work for Rajanna, and he’s going to fire me because I’m pregnant. He says he can’t have pregnant girls working at an abortion clinic. I feel he’s doing me wrong,’” the PRC director told The Pitch. The single mom had also complained that Rajanna sometimes shorted his employees on their paychecks.
“She was pretty upset with him,” the PRC director added.
Photos Documented Abortion Facility
According to The Pitch, the formerly mentioned pregnant abortion staffer had not only suspected Rajanna of “eating fetuses” but the article claimed she alleged that the abortionist “disposed of medical waste in regular trash bags, which he left with each night, and that he also rushed half-sedated women out the door….”

Abortion clinic dirty recovery room
She then agreed to take photos of the filthy abortion facility to show the public.
“One photo showed that a bathroom used by patients and staff doubled as an instrument-sterilization room. The toilet had a brown stain smeared across the seat, and Styrofoam soda cups were stacked next to and on top of it,” claimed The Pitch.
“A pile of clutter and a broom sat next to the toilet, and a bottle of Always Save bleach sat on a dingy, peeling linoleum floor near full, open trash bags. A rubber hose ran from a sink over the toilet and into a dishwasher used for sterilizing surgical instruments, and a tray of instruments sat atop the dishwasher,” they added.

Rajanna abortion clinic sterilization and staff bathroom
“In a photo of the break room, every flat surface seemed crammed with clutter — an open box of Cheez-Its, a bottle of soda, papers, cleaning products. A photo of the interior of the break-room refrigerator showed several cups containing pre-drawn syringes of drugs for patients along with a cake and a bottle of Dr Pepper and a bag of Kraft cheese cubes. In another photo, an orange garbage bag was held open, revealing a Styrofoam cup that appeared to contain a blob of bloody tissue,” wrote the media outlet.
Detective Referred to State Regulatory Agencies
According to The Pitch, Detective Howard was “so disturbed that he took Garcia to the office of Nick Tomasic, then the district attorney for Wyandotte County.”
“I cautioned [the employee],” Howard told The Pitch. “I said, ‘Lying to me is one thing. I’m a cop — people lie to me all the time. But lying to the DA’s office, you could find yourself in a whole lot of trouble.”
“I repeatedly warned her not to lie or exaggerate. The witness was also told that she could be prosecuted for any false statements made from this moment forward, but that the prior statements would not be prosecutable. She told the exact same story to DA Tomasic as she had told us,” Detective Howard testified.
“However, what Garcia described was not actually criminal, so Tomasic could do nothing. He suggested that Garcia file complaints with state regulatory agencies and e-mailed Howard a few phone numbers to pass on to her. Howard himself called the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, the agency in charge of licensing doctors and other health professionals in Kansas,” wrote The Pitch.
“The lady just said, ‘Yeah, we get a lot of complaints about him,’” Howard said.
Abortionist Gets Slap on the Wrist
An April 2005 report published by Operation Rescue claimed that the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (KSBHA) “did not initially act on the complaint and only took action after legislation passed the Kansas House that would regulate abortion mills and take the oversight of such clinics away from the KSBHA, placing it more properly with the Department of Health and Environment.”
But “[I]n an apparent attempt to show they were capable of doing their job, the KSBHA fined Rajanna a mere $1,000 after the year-long investigation. Once it became apparent that the public and the legislators believed this fine was inadequate, the KSBHA suspended Rajanna’s license for one week, then extended the suspension to 30 days after a surprise inspection discovered a dead rat next to open containers of ‘medical waste,'” Operation Rescue wrote.
“In February 2005… the Board of Healing Arts took action against Rajanna. Citing numerous problems with the cleanliness of his clinic, the board fined him $1,000 and made him promise to clean the place up, get certified in advanced cardiac life support and submit to two unannounced follow-up inspections,” The Pitch stated.
Another Surprise Inspection and a Dead Mouse
Their warning fell on deaf ears and in March of that year, Board of Healing Arts investigator Peter Massey conducted surprise inspections of Rajanna’s facility and found that conditions had actually worsened.
“On the second visit, he snapped a photo of a dead mouse on the clinic floor. The next day, the board issued an emergency order and temporarily suspended Rajanna’s medical license. A hearing was scheduled for March 31,” the article claimed.
According to The Pitch, during a surprise visit to the facility, Massey found that “The floors needed vacuuming, there were soiled surgical drapes in the office that had been folded and stacked instead of thrown away, the toilet was dirty and streaked, two plastic bags full of trash sat on the office floor, old paper towels sat in the soap dishes, and there were large gaps along the baseboards in the procedure room left by the removal of carpet. In the recovery room, there was an old living-room couch with a standard bed pillow and blanket on it. The lids were off the biohazard containers, leaving bloody waste exposed. In the refrigerator, predrawn syringes of medication were unlabeled, with only a handwritten initial of the drug on the cup containing the syringes.”
“Two days later, Massey arrived… and found the dead rodent…” the article claimed.
When Massey asked Rajanna why the clinic was dirty, “He told me that he had explained to ‘his girls’ that this needed to be cleaned, but they had failed to clean,” Massey testified.
Throwing Medical Records in Trash
As if the 2005 reports about the facility were not horrific enough, the abortionist was later accused of throwing private medical records in the trash.
In 2012, “The Star… reported about the discovery of the records, mostly from 2001 and 2002, in a recycling bin outside an Overland Park elementary school. The records included patients’ names, addresses, phone and Social Security numbers and health histories, along with details of their pregnancies. The story included Rajanna’s admission in an interview that he had left the records in the bin,” wrote the Kansas City Star.
Eating Aborted Fetuses Unsubstantiated
“During the Board of Healing Arts proceedings against Rajanna, no mention was made of the allegations that the doctor had eaten fetuses,” The Pitch wrote. When The Pitch asked why, the board’s director, Larry Buening, told them that the board had been unable to substantiate the charges in interviews with 17 witnesses.
“Anybody who it was alleged had any information in regard to the situation was contacted,” Buening stated. “Any allegations that were made, we pursued. The charges we were left with were only the ones we felt we could prove.”
Medical License Finally Revoked
According to Operation Rescue, “The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts moved… June 11, [2005] to permanently revoke the medical license of Krishna Rajanna.”
Much of what was found inside this filthy abortion facility was not unusual and similar things were seen in the Kermit Gosnell case out of Pennsylvania, in South Florida, in Illinois, and in many other locations across the country. Shielding abortionists leads to abuse; it does not protect women.