ESPN airs a weekly show called “E:60.” This investigative hour-long show highlights stories – often personal, touching, and sometimes tragic ones – related to sports. On October 1, ESPN posted a segment of “E:60” called “Perfect” to YouTube. “Perfect” is nothing less than a gripping, life-changing tale.
Heath White, a military man, marathon runner, and all-around success story, was suddenly faced with a choice. During his wife’s second pregnancy, Heath discovered that his new daughter would be born less than perfect, to his way of thinking. Heath admits that he pressured his wife to have an abortion, yet she bravely refused.
But the story doesn’t stop there. After Paisley was born, Heath decided to be her father. From this precious girl, he has learned what “perfection” really is. And he would undoubtedly tell you that his life would be wholly imperfect without the gift of Paisley. Once unwanted, now greatly loved, Paisley has taught her dad how perfect life can truly be when we welcome each little one.
Watch the story for yourself. It’s just under fifteen minutes long, and it will be some of the best fifteen minutes of your life. Not only does Heath’s story show the beauty of every life – originally wanted or not – but it also shows the power of a changed life. No matter the decisions we have made or have almost made, we can be made new. We can change today and value every single life.
Life itself is perfect.