
Even Planned Parenthood isn’t proud of abortion

So Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are making noise in Virginia because they have license plates there that people can get that say “Choose Life,” but they don’t have license plates that support abortion.

Planned Parenthood and the ACLU want license plates that say “Trust Women” and “Respect Choice.” Now both of these general statements I support. I trust that all the little women killed by the violence of abortion didn’t want to have their lives snuffed out and I respect the life choices that a preborn child would have taken away from them if they were aborted. What Planned Parenthood means by these terms is very different. What they really mean is:

Trust women to make the right decision whether to allow their child to be killed by abortion.

Planned Parenthood, even in their abortion advocacy, rarely uses the word “abortion” because even they are ashamed of it or know that the public would react strongly against them if they talked that way. Instead they use general words like trust, rights, choice, and freedom.

Opposing human abortion doesn’t mean that one doesn’t “trust women.” I support laws against the rape of women, does that mean that I don’t “trust men”? I also support laws against grandparents poisoning their grandchildren, so does that mean that I don’t “trust grandparents”? Of course not. Whether human abortion, or rape, or stealing should be allowed has  nothing to do with trust and everything to do with what harm occurs as a result of those actions.

The second phrase “Respect Choice” is a cover for:

Respect the choice to kill a living human being by abortion.

There is generally universal respect for choosing life (although some opposing the Tim Tebow ad make me wonder). It is the choice to choose abortion that Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are trying to fight for. Choosing abortion is not generally respected in our country (even as abortion is legal), which is why it is done in such a private manner. The reason why that choice is not respected has nothing to do with animosity against the women choosing abortion and everything to do with what abortion action is — the ending of a human life.

Consider this: there is strong support for the choice to remove a tumor — that is a life-affirming choice.  Nobody needs convincing to respect that act. Abortion is different for the simple fact that the result of an abortion is not life but death. I respect healthy choices that are positive, and being asked to respect a choice to kill another human being is something I will never do.

Interestingly enough, Planned Parenthood in their own way doesn’t respect the choice of a human abortion. If Planned Parenthood did respect that choice, they would:

  • Proudly tout their growing number of annual abortions (now at over 300,000 a year in the United States) instead of playing it down
  • Proudly use the word “abortion” instead of all their other slick slogans
  • Proudly use the word “abortion” when advocating for taxpayer-funded abortion
  • Say things like “abortion is great”

Rarely, though, does any of this happen. In fact, Planned Parenthood is assuring the public that funds raised from the sale of these proposed license plates will go to a “special account” used to cover nonabortion services. Why have a special account? Wouldn’t having a special account to keep money from going to hip replacements or hand surgeries be silly? All this shows that even the number one abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, knows that human abortion isn’t just another medical procedure.

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