Longtime humanist and population activist Norman Fleishman, who has served as the executive director of Planned Parenthood World Population in Los Angeles, is still plugging away for Planned Parenthood’s “ideals” in the public sphere. Today, in an op-ed at the Napa Valley Register, Fleishman endorsed President Barack Obama’s birth control mandate and welcomed it as a plan that works well together with China’s one-child policy to cut down on the number of people in the world.
The Obama administration’s mandate that all health plans must provide to women, with no charge, all government-approved contraceptives, has already reignited debate on the federal role in health care.
Ah, how I remember “Every child a wanted child,” our motto at Planned Parenthood. And I do welcome this legislation. […]
[…] Unless we act (this legislation, along with China’s “one child” policy, is a start), the world is doomed to strangle among coils of pitiless exponential growth.
Will Planned Parenthood denounce this statement from Fleishman? No, because this is what Planned Parenthood is really about. Planned Parenthood receives a great deal of funding from pro-abortion population control activists, including Bill Gates and many others.
The “billionaires club” meeting, according to the Times, included such notables as Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg.
They all have a history of promoting abortion and using their vast fortunes to benefit groups like Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business.
That Gates pushed the wealthy group into settling on population control as their “umbrella cause” isn’t surprising given that he outlined an ambitious project in February to reduce the world’s population by one billion, would eliminate one of out every projected nine people on the planet, or 11 percent.
The Gates Foundation has given the Planned Parenthood Federation of America abortion business almost $12.5 million since 1998, including funds to persuade teenagers to support abortion and to lobby the United Nations to advance pro-abortion proposals.
The Gates foundation has also given nearly $21 million to the International Planned Parenthood abortion business over the last seven years. The funds have gone to promote abortions in third-world nations and to set up pro-abortion family planning centers in South America, Africa and eastern European nations.
We might ask ourselves, if these billionaires are so interested in this agenda, why does the Obama Administration believe it’s important to force the rest of us, including religious groups, to help pay for it? It appears that the president’s view that babies are like punishment is manifest today in Fleishman’s op-ed.
This is what pro-lifers are referring to when we speak of a “Culture of Death“. We think a Culture of Life would be far better.