Abby Johnson made national headlines when she resigned from her position as a clinic director at Planned Parenthood. She explains that she began working there because she genuinely wanted to help women and make a difference. Though she was initially pro-choice, that all changed when she was made to observe a 13-week abortion.
She saw the baby fight for his life before he was killed, and with that, her heart was changed. She quit shortly thereafter, causing a firestorm of controversy. Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion allies demonized her; pro-lifers applauded her. Since then, she’s worked as a pro-life educator, public speaker, and author. Most notably, though, Abby Johnson is the founder of And Then There Were None, a pro-life organization founded to help women and men in her situation, who want to leave the abortion industry.
This year, Abby and And Then There Were None are behind Day of Exodus 2013, a national day to help workers leave abortion clinics.
Monday, April 8 is Day of Exodus 2013. Simply put, it is the day of the year that abortion clinic workers who are ready to quit their jobs do so, in exodus.
Whatever led you to work in the abortion industry, please realize that this isn’t your full potential. If you feel bound to your job in an abortion clinic (whether it’s financial struggles, pressure from friends or family, a sense of obligation from an abortion in your past, or anything else) you don’t have to feel trapped in your work at an abortion clinic any more.
… No one grows up wanting to work in an abortion clinic. Forty-five abortion clinic workers have followed their conscience and fled the abortion industry through ATTWN since June 2012. We can help you too.
Many workers want to leave the abortion industry but have difficulties doing so. Many of them have families to provide for and think they can’t afford the loss of income. Others suffer from intimidation and are scared of legal recourse if they leave. It’s easy to remember the millions of babies killed through abortion and the pain that post-abortive mothers suffer. But it’s not so easy to remember that these abortions affect the workers, too.

Many abortion clinic workers have been ready to leave for some time – but they need help getting out.
And Then There Were None seeks to help these workers. Workers who want to leave can receive free legal representation, financial assistance, help finding a new job, and emotional support. All information is kept strictly confidential.
The goal of Exodus 2013 is to encourage clinic workers to send a powerful message via a nationwide exodus on April 8, although any workers who wish to leave before or after will still receive assistance. Without abortion clinic workers, there can be no abortion clinics, and without clinics, there would be no abortions.
Spread the word (here’s a great way for sidewalk counselors to do this), and help workers flee from the abortion industry.