I recently read that the governor of New York and mayor of New York City are intolerant to having pro-life people in their state, and they referred to these LIFE views as “extreme.” I am a pro-life father of two precious children, and my beautiful daughter Chloe was born with Down syndrome in 2003.
I love New York, and my family, and I have had many awesome memories in New York City. I have always found the people of New York to be “extremely” accepting, kind, and accommodating to my daughter Chloe, and New York City is a priority destination when we plan family excursions.
Every fall season in New York City, there is an amazing video presentation sponsored by the NDSS (National Down Syndrome Society) on the big screen in Times Square featuring the brilliant faces and abilities of individuals with Down syndrome. My daughter Chloe has been included twice in this video, and the experience is “extremely” magical and unparalleled for all people in attendance. These human beings who were once “excluded” from schools, communities, and cultural events because of intolerant views are showcased on the big screen in the Big Apple – truly priceless!
Many people in our society fail to realize that 90%+ of individuals diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome are targeted and eliminated by an irrational culture that views them as “flawed” – the ultimate “extreme” intolerance and prejudice. What would the response be from the governor of NY and mayor of NYC if an autism, obesity, depression, ADHD, or shortness genetic link were discovered and then utilized to eliminate these individuals prenatally because of misguided cultural views?
Would “extreme” pro-life advocates who protested the slaughter of these “differing” unborn individuals be unwelcome in the state of New York? Would there be “extreme” outrage and protests across our nation and in New York? New York should be the foundation and center for human inclusion, both prenatal and postnatal.
I live in the great state of Pennsylvania, and as a tolerant, accepting, loving person I would like to invite the governor of New York and mayor of NYC to visit my state and look into the eyes of my daughter Chloe – to see her “extreme” beauty, unconditional love, purity and ABILITIES. Chloe will honestly tell you she “loves New York,” and hopefully she is still welcome to visit the Big Apple. My wish and prayer is that one day soon, all “extremely” tolerant people will embrace and accept the most valuable treasure we have as a nation – human life.