Live Action has produced a new docuseries exposing Planned Parenthood’s decades-long cover-up of child sexual abuse, but Facebook is holding ads the pro-life organization is seeking to run and blocking its ability to freely advertise and promote the videos.
For weeks, Facebook has held Live Action’s ads, which it deems “political content,” for prolonged policy review, and it did not permit one ad showing how Planned Parenthood covers up child sexual abuse to run for over a week. By preventing the ads to run, the social media giant is suppressing Live Action’s ability to advertise the pro-life message.
By contrast, Planned Parenthood appears to have free reign when it comes to ads. As Live Action News pointed out this week, Facebook seems happy to take the abortion corporation’s money for ads that violate its own advertising policy.
Live Action tweeted on Tuesday:
Is @Facebook blocking videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s cover-up of child sexual abuse?
We placed an ad for this video a week ago.
The ad is STILL pending approval.
Would Facebook have blocked @PPFA from advertising?
RETWEET to stand up to Big Media. #PPCoversUpSexAbuse
— Live Action (@LiveAction) June 12, 2018
It also posted on Facebook, and within an hour had almost 1,200 shares and 2,000 reactions:
Ironically, the social media giant is already facing myriad accusations of bias against conservative groups, and last month announced it would bringing in outside auditors to help the company avoid that bias. One person says while the company has begun to address some race and gender bias, it has yet to address its biases against conservatives. Free Enterprise Project Director Justin Danhof, Esq., said:
Facebook has exactly one conservative board member, and he has considered leaving the board because of the company’s far-left leanings. That should be evidence enough that the company has a groupthink problem.
And as Life Site News reported:
It would not be the first time Facebook bent the rules for a political ally. In March, former Obama for America media director Carol Davidsen revealed that Facebook allowed former President Barack Obama’s campaign to take users’ personal information because “they were on our side.” The social media giant is one of several tech companies currently embroiled in an ongoing scandal over alleged discrimination against conservative users and groups.
In addition to the influx of accusations showing the lack of conservative ideology at Facebook’s headquarters, further ironic is the fact that Facebook recently ran this ad regarding Twitter’s efforts to silence the pro-life group:
Only now that it is Facebook doing the blocking, it seems that changes the rules, just like Facebook does for Planned Parenthood. The abortion giant ran a recent ad for sex education, which included condom illustrations such as this one, proclaiming “sex is hot”:
Clearly this violates the terms Facebook has set forth which restricts the ways in which contraception may be discussed:Part of the controversy of the recent “fun condom” pictures and text for sex education in Planned Parenthood ads is that the abortion corporation clearly targeted these ads to be appealing to young girls, and got a quarter to a third of its views from minors–at least. Encouraging pre-marital sex for minors with its petition to “Oppose Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage [school sex education] programs,” Planned Parenthood appears to be able to bypass Facebook’s roadblocks without effort.
Yet Live Action’s attempts to run an ad exposing how Planned Parenthood workers help children to get abortions — even when the child says she is 13 with a 31-year-old boyfriend — gets lodged in limbo, without response, seemingly too controversial for Facebook’s ad reviewers to do their jobs.
Clearly, Facebook’s efforts to bring in auditors to discern if it has biases against conservatives are a needed tool if the the social media company wants to be an adequate resource for all of its users. And whatever its doing so far, obviously more needs to be done. When a social media powerhouse prevents an ad that would aid in preventing children from being abused, trafficked, or raped, clearly there is a larger issue at play.