
Female seeking gender reassignment found to be pregnant after mastectomy

20 weeks, abortion, media

A biological female undergoing gender reassignment surgery has found out she was pregnant, shortly before she was due to have a hysterectomy.

Named only as “Marco,” the Telegraph reported that Marco found out she was five months pregnant after having her breasts removed. Italian news outlet La Repubblica said she had already been undergoing hormone therapy, and after the mastectomy, had planned to have a hysterectomy.

“Once the pregnancy is discovered, the first thing to do is to immediately suspend the hormone therapy,” Giulia Senofonte, an endocrinologist and expert on gender therapy, told La Repubblica. “If the halting of the therapy is not immediate, there could be consequences, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, which is an important time for the development of the baby’s organs. It’s difficult to talk about it in abstract terms but it all depends on the timing of the suspension of the dosages of testosterone that the person is taking.”

Already, it has been suggested that Marco have an abortion, though Italy only permits abortion after 90 days of pregnancy when there are either serious fetal defects or significant health risks for the mother. Matilde Vigneri, a consultant at a gender dysphoria clinic in Palermo, tried to argue that the psychological stress alone should allow Marco to kill her preborn child. At five months pregnant, a D&E abortion, sometimes referred to as a “dismemberment” abortion, would be done — the child’s limbs torn from his or her torso before his or her skull is crushed and removed:

“If Marco’s pregnancy goes ahead Marco will find himself to be both a biological mother and legal father,” Vigneri told the Times of London. “It will be a shock. Here same-sex families are still without rights, just imagine a child born in such special circumstances.”

One woman in Australia had a similar experience, albeit with a more tragic outcome. Jesse Pohlner, 38, had a hysterectomy performed, only to find out afterwards that she was four months pregnant. She said if she had known about the pregnancy — a test was not given prior to the surgery — she would not have had the hysterectomy.

Toni Brandi, the president of Pro Vita e Famiglia, an Italian pro-life organization, believes Marco should stop the hormone therapy altogether. “The gender fluidity theory, irrespective of biological sex, is total madness. It’s against science and against nature,” Brandi said. “This case is a challenge for gender theories because it shows a woman is a woman. If I perceive myself to be a woman tomorrow, it doesn’t make me capable of bearing a child.”

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail this Christmas for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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