
FILL THE SEATS for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act hearing!

congress, pro-life, abortion survivors

Congress will hold a hearing for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act on Tuesday, September 10 at 1:00 in the Capitol Visitor Center Room HVC-215. Pro-lifers are urged to attend and fill the seats to show the large support that exists for this bill. Polling show that 77 percent of Americans are in favor of protections for abortion survivors.

In addition to the hearing, Priests for Life has announced a Pro-life Lobby Day for the morning of September 10 to visit House members and ask them to sign the discharge petition that is needed in order to force a vote on the bill.

According to a press release from Congressman Steve Scalise, House Republicans have requested a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act 80 times in 2019, and 80 times Democrats have blocked the vote. Republicans filed a discharge petition to attempt to force a vote, but needed a majority of signatures. While all 197 Republicans signed the discharge petition, only three Democrats did.

Those who oppose the bill claim that it is a repeat of the 2002 Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which stated that any child who survives an abortion is a person with full citizenship and is required to receive equal protection. However, BAIPA does not allow for penalties for anyone who breaks the law, and it does not dictate what level of medical care the babies should receive.

READ: CDC data proves babies still being born alive during abortions

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act requires health care providers to “exercise the same degree of care as reasonably provided to any other child born alive at the same gestational age,” and requires them to transport the baby to the hospital. Failure to do so would result in penalties including a criminal fine and/or up to five years in prison. If the guilty person intentionally kills an abortion survivor — as abortionist Kermit Gosnell did — he or she could be prosecuted for murder. The bill also requires the mandatory reporting of those who violate the law. Mothers undergoing the abortions are not at risk of prosecution, but would be able to sue the abortionist or other guilty persons for damages.

Witnesses scheduled to testify at the hearing on Tuesday including Jill Stanek, who as a nurse in Chicago found a baby born alive after an abortion and left alone to die; neonatologist Dr. Robin Pierucci; former abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman, and Tess Longbons of the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Members of the Priests for Life pastoral team will be present as well, including Fr. Frank Pavone, Executive Director Janet Morana, Associate Director Fr. Denis G. Wilde, Alveda King, and Kevin Burke.

Pro-lifers who attend the hearing are required to be seated by 12:45 with time planned to get through security. Anyone interested in joining Priests for Life in lobbying in the morning can email for more details.

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