Should death ever be the solution for financial difficulties?
That was the question posed to bystanders in Live Action’s most recent man-on-the-street interviews. The respondents overwhelmingly agreed that no one should feel like they have to die due to their financial circumstances — responses that underscore the discriminatory nature of abortion being promoted as a necessity on women who live in poverty.
Interviewees were first posed the question of whether or not they would support someone who felt they needed to commit suicide if they ran into severe money troubles. Thankfully, no one agreed that death would be a good outcome.
“I don’t think anybody should be put in the situation where they’re not going to live because of their [financial] circumstances,” said one man.
“To save a life? I would do anything to help save someone’s life, of course,” another young man responded.
Live Action’s interviewer then flipped the script, asking people if they would support a person who felt she needed to abort her child because a dire financial situation.
“There’s a woman, in financial peril or in trouble. Has no money, no one to help her, and she’s pregnant. Should the same rule apply? Should death be an option, or should people rally around her?” asked the interviewer.
While some respondents agreed that help should be extended to a pregnant woman so that she doesn’t feel the need to abort, others appeared unwilling to reconcile their comments that a life saved from poverty should extend to life in the womb.
“I think that’s a personal choice,” explained one man. When asked to further justify how he can support life in one circumstance but not another, he was unable to do so, saying instead, “I don’t know. I’m not a fan of politics.”
Not everyone, though, felt that abortion was the answer to a woman struggling with finances.
“To be consistent, there are two lives to be saved,” explained another young man.
“I was there, but I had my child,” said one woman. “It’s not the child’s fault that I’m pregnant, and she should have an opportunity to have a life,” she added, going on to say her child is now in college and is doing amazing. “You can do it, you have options,” she said to the camera. “Living proof.”