
Florida doctors alert public about Amendment 4: ‘It’s downright dangerous’

A group of Florida physicians is speaking out against the state’s upcoming ballot initiative, Amendment 4, that would enshrine the “right” to abortion in the state’s constitution. Amendment 4 would add the following language to the Florida Constitution: “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s health care provider.”

In the law, “health” is subjectively determined — even by the abortionist who stands to profit directly from the abortion. And therefore, the law is broad enough to allow abortion up to birth. This is what the coalition Florida Physicians Against Amendment 4, which is made up of more than 300 physicians from around the state, is warning. The coalition says the amendment’s passage could allow abortion up to birth and strip important protections like parental consent laws.

Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, a founding member of the group, recently spoke with “EWTN News Nightly” anchor Tracy Sabo. Christie warned that the amendment would result in “a deregulated abortion regime that would equal that of North Korea.”

“Amendment 4 was written in order to basically invalidate every regulation around abortion, including commonsense health and safety regulations that protect mothers — either women or girls — when they go to access an abortion,” Christie said.

“It would invalidate parental consent laws in Florida for minor girls,” she continued. “It would open up elective abortion until viability and then after viability for any reason of maternal health — which basically can be manipulated so that elective abortion can be had throughout 40 weeks of pregnancy.”

“It’s a brutal and dangerous amendment,” she added.

Christie said the group’s founding was essential to help combat the common pro-abortion lie that ‘abortion is health care.’

“We wanted the Florida public to understand that even though the pro-abortion side likes to cite medicine and science and say that this is what’s reasonable for doctors, abortion is not health care. Doctors don’t believe that abortion is health care. We want the Florida public to understand that Florida physicians are against Amendment 4 and that’s because it’s dangerous — not just for the babies that will be eliminated after they can feel pain — but also for mothers and girls.”

Florida Physicians Against Amendment 4 recently held a press conference to reiterate Christie’s message.

“This short amendment is downright dangerous for women,” warned Dr. Angeli Akey during the event, noting that it could even give non-physicians clearance to commit abortions. “A doctor needs to be involved,” she said. “Not only for complicated pregnancies but especially for second- and third-trimester abortions, which are high-risk surgeries and would be allowed under this amendment.”

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill

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