Live Action has published many first-hand accounts from former abortion workers about the “counseling” in abortion facilities. Many times, this “counseling” is merely a sales pitch for abortion. Pro-abortion groups consistency oppose laws requiring abortion facilities to give accurate, honest information to women. These groups fight legislation that would require abortion facilities to tell women the truth.
In the book Confronting Abortion Distortions, a former abortion facility owner describes what he said to women considering abortion:
In my facilities, I always gave options counseling. Of course you make abortion the most appealing. I told them about adoption and about foster care and about (when there was welfare) assistance. The typical way it would go is, “Well, you know you can place your baby out for adoption” but then, in the same breath, you would say, “That’s an option available to you, but you also have to realize that there’s going to be a baby of yours out there somewhere in the world you will never see again. At least with abortion you know what’s happened. You can go on with your life.”
In this way, the abortion workers steered vulnerable women toward abortion. Even though, technically, the abortion facility offered options, they framed the dialogue in a way that put pressure on women to abort.
The former abortion worker goes on to explain how he was able to deceive reporters into believing that his facility gave unbiased counseling:
[W]hat it did do was public relations wise. You were able, when a reporter or TV crew came, to pull out a packet of information for the patients to read and they received it. So what can anybody say? Publicly it looked good … It’s typical – I would give them an option and then shoot it down. The only option you didn’t shoot down, obviously, was abortion.
Many reporters, often pro-choice themselves, took the abortion worker’s words at face value and were deceived into believing the counseling at the facility was fair and accurate. The public was given the impression that abortion facilities give honest information to help women make informed choices.
The former abortion worker also described how being in the abortion industry hardened him:
The longer I was in it, the less I cared, so I really didn’t care what my conscience said. My conscience was totally numb anyway.
Other abortion workers have described the same numbing of their consciences. for example, former abortionist Dr. David Brewer said:
The first [abortion] that I did was kind of hard. It was like hurting again like a hot poker. But after a while it got to where it didn’t hurt….That’s what happened to my heart as I saw the abortions and then began doing them. My heart got callused. My heart was callused against the fact that I was a murderer.
Another example is this confession from an anonymous abortionist:
The first time, I felt like a murderer, but I did it again and again and again, and now, 20 years later, I am facing what happened to me as a doctor and as a human being. Sure, I got hard. Sure, the money was important. And oh, it was an easy thing, once I had taken the step, to see the women as animals and the babies as just tissue.
Dishonest counseling by people with hardened hearts plagues the abortion industry. Honest, accurate counseling is very rare or nonexistent.
This abortion worker and any others who want to leave can benefit from And Then There Were None a valuable organization that helps abortion workers leave the industry. Please support this organization, which helps workers start a new life.