Human Rights

Former abortionist: Abortion ‘is an act of depravity that society should not permit’

dismemberment abortion, born alive, medicare, fetal tissue, fetus, 20 weeks, late-term abortion

Tearing a developed fetus apart, limb by limb, is an act of depravity that society should not permit. We cannot afford such a devaluation of human life, nor the desensitization of medical personnel it requires.

Dr. George Flesh committed late-term abortions by the D&E abortion method. He eventually stopped doing all abortions and wrote about his conversion in the Los Angeles Times.

In a D&E abortion, the baby is dismembered. The abortionist reaches in with forceps and pulls the baby out in pieces. Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino describes this procedure in the video below:

This doctor has performed over 1,200 abortions. Now, he’s revealing what actually happens during a second trimester abortion procedure. This video may just change the abortion debate.

Posted by Live Action on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

D&E abortions haunted Dr. Flesh. He was also sickened by some of the trivial reasons why women had them:

Extracting a fetus, piece by piece, was bad for my sleep. Depression clouded my office days when I had an abortion scheduled. My pulse raced after giving the local anesthetic. Although I still felt sorry for the unmarried 20-year-old college junior, I felt increasing anger toward the married couples who requested abortions because a law firm partnership was imminent, or house remodeling was incomplete, or even because summer travel tickets were paid for.

The women themselves were insulated from a lot of the horror of the procedure. They may not have known that their babies were being torn apart limb from limb. Perhaps they didn’t realize how developed their babies were, but the abortionist had to face reality. He was actually doing the D&Es and witnessing their carnage, and because it took an emotional toll on him, he became angry with the women who seemed to take the whole experience lightly.

The thought a preborn baby was brutally killed because a woman did not want to miss a summer vacation is horrible to contemplate. Since he saw the destruction of what he was doing, it was horrible for Dr. Flesh, as well. He still excused the cases where a woman’s situation was easier to sympathize with, but eventually he would come to realize there is no good reason to kill a child.


Flesh talks more about how D&E abortions affected him:

Anxiety attacks, complete with nausea, palpitations and dizziness, began to strike me in some social situations. In public, I felt I was on trial, or perhaps should have been. I no longer was proud to be a physician. Arriving home from work to the embrace of my kids, I felt undeserving that God had blessed me with their smiling faces. The morning shave became an ordeal, as I stared at the sad face in the mirror and wondered how all those awards and diplomas had produced an Angel of death.

The brutality of abortion, and of the D&E kind in particular, took a great toll on him.

Later in the article, Flesh appeals to the reader:

Tearing a developed fetus apart, limb by limb, is an act of depravity that society should not permit. We cannot afford such a devaluation of human life, nor the desensitization of medical personnel it requires. This is not based on what the fetus might feel but on what we should feel in watching an exquisite, partly formed human being being dismembered.

He is appealing to the reader’s conscience. Having done D&E abortions, tearing apart the preborn babies and facing the emotional aftermath, he knows how important it is for society to reject abortion. Even though he once committed the most brutal type of abortions, he now wants society to protect its youngest members.

Flesh is much happier since leaving his abortion career behind:

Since I stopped doing abortions, my life has blossomed. I love my practice. Years of struggling guilt have ended. A certain calm and inner peace have returned. I feel closer to God.

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