Abby Johnson devoted 8 years of her life to Planned Parenthood. On March 2nd, she spoke to approximately 700 people at an event to support Crossroads Pregnancy Center. She told the crowd about how she quickly rose through the ranks to become a director and spent her days doing her best to help women in crisis. She adopted the Planned Parenthood lingo, calling the babies POCs (products of conception) and disposing of them in bio-hazard bags in the “nursery” (the large freezer). But she stayed on, she says, out of the belief that she was helping women. Until one day, a tiny baby changed her and shed a light on the lies.
Lie #1: Unborn Babies Don’t Feel Pain
The former Planned Parenthood Employee of the Year says that Planned Parenthood tells women that their unborn children won’t feel the abortion because fetuses can’t feel pain until 28 weeks, weeks later than is commonly believed. But one day, Johnson was asked to assist with an ultrasound during an abortion. Johnson says that while helping the abortionist she watched on the ultrasound screen as the suction probe entered the uterus. She watched as it reached for the child and she witnessed him react. As Karen Dudek reports:
“…and he jumped,” said Johnson, “Trying to flee but with nowhere to go, he moved all the way up to the top of his mother’s womb. The technician responded by repositioning the instrument, then looking at his assistant said, ‘Beam me up, Scotty!’ The little boy didn’t stand a chance – but he did fight!”
When asked if an 8- or 10-week-old fetus will move out of the path of an abortion instrument, Sir Albert Lilley, often called the “Father of Fetology”, said, this:
“… as the famous work of Dr. Davenport Hooker shows, in his many thousands of feet of film, babies at this maturity are responsive to touch. The fetus also responds violently to painful stimuli-needle puncture and injection of cold or of hypertonic solutions – stimuli which you and I find painful, children will tell you are painful, and the neonate, to judge from his responses, finds painful.”
Lie #2 We Want to Reduce Abortions
Johnson says that Planned Parenthood’s claim that they want to reduce abortions through birth control is a complete lie. She says that they budget twice as much for abortions as they do for their so-called family planning programs. Abortion is the real money-maker for the business accounting for more than 50% of their non-donation, non-government income. Reducing abortions would reduce their income and their paychecks.
Lie #3 We Want to Keep Abortion Safe
Planned Parenthood says they want abortion safe and therefore legal. While many Planned Parenthood abortion providers say they use ultrasounds frequently to ensure a safe procedure, when Johnson asked her boss about using ultrasound technology, she was told they wouldn’t do it because that extra five minutes would hurt their profit margin. Money above safety.
These are just a few of the lies Planned Parenthood uses to win federal grant money and the support of millions of people. But that single moment of witnessing an unborn child try to escape the grasp of the suction device and save his own life awoke the truth in Johnson’s heart and mind. She left Planned Parenthood and the cushy paycheck it provided her and now works to awaken the truth about abortion in others’ hearts. She speaks to crowds like those gathered on March 2, and to thousands more in her book, unPLANNED.