Silent No More has compiled the testimonies of women who had abortions or abortion referrals at Planned Parenthood. These women all had bad experiences and now want Planned Parenthood to be defunded.
A woman named Kathy told the following story:
I was ‘referred’ for my abortion from Planned Parenthood. They acted as if it were absolutely nothing at all; except perhaps a ‘Whew!’ of relief. Counseling? What a laugh! Truly, they acted as if it was a Dentist’s office and I was there to have a tooth pulled. And the abortionist and his ‘staff’? An assembly line; and the only thing they cared about was getting their $. I was a nurse at that time, and I’ve never seen a rougher, more speedy post-partum ‘exam’. The ‘doctor’ acted as if he was on amphetamines, seriously. He ran in, stuck his hand up my vagina, then exited without a word. Of course, he had 15 other ‘patients’ to see.
Planned Parenthood uses the slogan “Care. No Matter What,” but stories like Kathy’s are all too common. The standard of care at Planned Parenthood is shockingly low.