On Tuesday, Live Action released a new investigation demonstrating that Planned Parenthood lied to the media after employees were caught on camera (through an earlier investigation) attempting to aid sex traffickers in getting abortions for their victims in 2011.
In an interview with Live Action President Lila Rose, former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Treviño reveals that, in 2011, while the abortion giant claimed that it was retraining its staff to identify child sex traffickers, it instead trained them how to identify and protect itself against undercover journalists investigating its facilities.
Treviño, who is now a pro-life activist, resigned from her position as manager of a Texas Planned Parenthood facility in 2011, following her experience with Planned Parenthood’s “retraining” of its staff. She was disturbed to discover that Planned Parenthood leadership was more concerned with the abortion business’ public image than they were with helping victims of sex-trafficking.
Treviño had always wanted to help women in abusive situations — to which she was no stranger.
Pregnant at age 16, Treviño dropped out of high school and later survived an abusive marriage. She started working for Planned Parenthood out of a desire to help women, including those in abusive situations — not to assist their abusers. She was therefore quite upset, to say the least, when she found out that, rather that seeking to help women get out of horrible conditions, Planned Parenthood was just trying to avoid getting busted again.
In addition to her personally shocking discovery about Planned Parenthood, Treviño also experienced a troubled conscience about her work with Planned Parenthood, stemming from her Catholic faith. In her book, Redeemed By Grace, she shares her amazing journey to a changed mind on abortion.
In a recent Facebook post, Treviño shared a message for others who, like her former self, may still be holding on to an image of Planned Parenthood that the abortion giant so desperately wants us buy:
You may believe what you want to believe about Planned Parenthood. But……ask yourself why you hang on so desperately to the lie when the truth has been placed so clearly before you? For me, it meant letting go of so many things. It forced me to let go of my job, my comforts, even my birth control pills…I believed that abortion was none of my business and that Planned Parenthood was doing a great service to women AND men. [It’s a] LIE! And I won’t stop sharing the Truth until abortion becomes an unthinkable thing of the past.