The Center for Medical Progress has released another video interview with Holly O’Donnell, a former StemExpress fetal tissue procurement technician who worked with various Planned Parenthood locations to harvest specifically requested aborted fetal body parts.
In the video, O’Donnell tells CMP’s David Daleiden that while Planned Parenthood publicly claims it was simply “reimbursed” for shipping and processing costs of aborted fetal body parts, it actually was the tissue procurement company which incurred those costs and handled all processing and shipping — Planned Parenthood was actually paid per specimen, invoicing StemExpress for each organ that was successfully harvested:
O’Donnell previously told Daleiden that this was the case, and she isn’t the only one to make this claim.
Perrin Larton, the head of procurement for Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), told an undercover David Daleiden in a previous video:
(ABR) “We are totally not involved in the clinical work at all. The clinic does all the consenting. The only thing we do is after procedure we will draw blood from the donating mother if you need serology testing, that’s all we do with the patient… We’re usually standing right outside the door… and we’re in the lab area… then we get the tissue, doctor makes sure the termination is complete… we have it immediately after….” (Full footage, 16:10)
As Live Action News reported in September 2015, “Both ABR and StemExpress have, in their own words, stated that their own technicians are the ones who enter the abortion clinics and perform all tasks aside from patient consenting. (Another procurement company, Novogenix, has actually been mentioned as being involved in the consenting of patients as well.) These technicians are working at the expense of the procurement company.”
In CMP’s most recent video interview with O’Donnell, above, she says, “Planned Parenthood never shipped anything, we did all the shipping.”
CMP’s press release for the video notes that at the time the videos were released back in 2015, Planned Parenthood insisted that the money paid to them were simple “reimbursements”:
“There are shipping costs,” Dawn Laguens, Planned Parenthood Executive Vice President, told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota. “It’s not a fee. It’s actually just the cost of transmitting this material to research institutions,” said Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.
But this was a lie:
But invoices show that customers paid StemExpress, not Planned Parenthood, for the FedEx shipping. The StemExpress-Planned Parenthood contract, meanwhile, specifies that the only payments to Planned Parenthood will be per fetal organ “determined in the clinic to be useable.”
And two Congressional investigations support this finding:
Documents obtained by two Congressional investigations show that Planned Parenthood could make up to five-figure sums per month from StemExpress, depending on the number of “useable” fetal organs StemExpress could collect inside Planned Parenthood.
O’Donnell agrees, saying that she and other fetal procurement technicians were paid for each organ or body part they harvested.