In a previous video from David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), former StemExpress technician Holly O’Donnell described seeing the arms and legs of aborted babies at her job, and recalled the time when she fainted at the sight of those aborted children.
Today, Daleiden and CMP released a second video featuring O’Donnell, who worked for StemExpress — a profitable fetal tissue procurement agency partnered with a large number of Planned Parenthood affiliates — from December 2012 to April 2013. O’Donnell was previously seen in CMP’s undercover series from 2015, describing how she was instructed to harvest the brain of an aborted child at a Planned Parenthood facility, by cutting through the baby’s face, and how she witnessed an aborted child who still had a heartbeat.
In this second video, O’Donnell describes how there was “a lot of coordination” between Planned Parenthood and the fetal procurement agency. StemExpress technicians would compile a so-called “grocery list” of needs for maternal blood and fetal organs and body parts at various gestational ages requested by researchers around the country, says O’Donnell, and Planned Parenthood would attempt to meet these needs by sharing abortion patient information. O’Donnell also describes how Planned Parenthood violated HIPAA laws by allowing StemExpress technicians access to their own computers and charts, which held this patient information. “They would let us look at the physical charts outside the room,” she states on the video. “I was even asked to write in the patient chart at one point.”
CMP’s press release on the second video describes what O’Donnell saw in the typical work day and work week while with StemExpress:
“We’d open up the Task Page, which, it shows you what the researchers want, how many specimens they want for that day or that week.” O’Donnell explains the online StemExpress Task Page, which listed customer orders for aborted fetal livers, brains, kidneys, and other body parts: “Roughly saying, it was like a grocery list of what to get for that day.”
O’Donnell states that the Planned Parenthood clinic management would provide the StemExpress contractors with the private medical information of pregnant women coming into Planned Parenthood: “We’d go to the head nurse, let the nurses know, hey this is what I’m looking for today. They’d give you a sheet of the appointments, which women were coming in, and it would tell you how many patients, what time they were coming in, their name, and if they knew how far along they were.”
O’Donnell also reveals that Planned Parenthood gave StemExpress access to patient medical charts and even to the clinics’ computer network to download patient schedules across the entire Planned Parenthood affiliate….
O’Donnell’s statements align with what was found during the Select Investigative Panel for Infant Lives’ investigation into fetal tissue trafficking in the United States. CMP states:
Last year, the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel referred StemExpress, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, and Planned Parenthood Northern California to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for five years of “systematic violations” of the HIPAA privacy rule in the organizations’ aborted body parts harvesting program. “These violations occurred when the abortion clinics disclosed patients’ individually identifiable health information to StemExpress to facilitate the TPB’S efforts to procure human fetal tissue for resale.”
Planned Parenthood claims that only 3 percent of its annual services are abortion, a claim which has been debunked by Live Action as well as by the fact-checkers at the Washington Post; in addition, StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer called Planned Parenthood a “volume institution” when it comes to obtaining fetal body parts.