As we started dreaming about 2016 and how Embrace Grace can further the Pro-Love movement across the nation, we began thinking about the “why.” Why do these new moms choose abortion over parenting and adoption? Why do we sometimes allow fear to overpower our mind and influence our decisions … even if that decision involves ending a life that has a destiny and a purpose?
If we look at the statistics of the “why,” the decision to abort is based on fear and lies that women believe about themselves, their life and their baby. The Guttmacher Institute has narrowed down the majority of reasons that women choose abortion to the following:
- 74% say that a baby would interfere with education, work or ability to care for dependents
- 73% say that she cannot afford a baby right now
- 48% say that she does not want to be a single mom or she is having relationship issues
- 4 in 10 say she is done having kids
- 1 out of 3 say she is not ready to have a child.
I know for me, when I had an unplanned pregnancy at 19 years old, my fear that I believed was that my parents would hate me if they found out. I had convinced myself that if I could just get an abortion, that would just fix everything. But even with with all the negative thoughts, there was another feeling I had that I might regret choosing abortion someday. It tugged and nagged on my heart in the midst of the tears and fear. Thankfully, I chose life but not without a very dramatic decision change complete with having a breakdown at the doctors office and hyperventilating until passing out moments before an abortion.
I try to envision what might have helped me in that situation to not have let fear overtake me so hard. Being that scared little girl, only wanting the acceptance of the world and my parents, and having a hard time seeing past tomorrow – how could I have even comprehended what it would be like in 9 months? What did I need in my life in that moment? Who did I need? What did I need to hear? What kind of person did I need to help encourage me not make the most devastating decision of my life? Maybe you had an unplanned pregnancy yourself, what kind of person did you wish would have been there for you? I have made a life commitment to the young women I meet with that have an unplanned pregnancy, and it is simply to, BE THAT PERSON.
I know now, looking back, that I needed someone to encourage me. I needed someone to help me see the bigger picture and to help me see that God still loved me and to remind me that my parents love me and they always will. I needed someone to speak truth into my heart and help me dream again and help me see that my life was just beginning and not ending. I needed someone to hug me and let me cry a little. I needed someone to tell me congratulations instead of I’m sorry. I needed someone to love me not only with words but with actions.
If we look at each of the reasons why a woman might feel that she has no other option but abortion separately, we can see that they are lies that we believe. Those thoughts may creep in slowly but soon turn into a steady stream of toxic and negative thoughts that consume our life. To sum these reasons up, we have fallen into the trap to think that we are not strong enough, that we can’t provide enough, that we will be all alone, that we are scared or that we are not equipped. But the truth is that we ARE strong! We CAN provide! We are NEVER alone! God EQUIPS us! God IS the answer. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. What if we replaced lies with the truth?
With all the different women out there that we run into that are in this situation, we want to BE THAT PERSON that we needed in our own life when we went through a hard time. Our stance on saving lives is to be a light of hope to a precious and scared mom. And guess what, babies are being saved. And not only the babies, but the mommies too. We have front row seats to miracles from where we serve. When we counter every lie with truth, and love them in action, and when not only our words inspire hope but our actions back it up, their hope is restored. Love always overpowers fear. We can speak life and light into someone that is having trouble seeing past what they fear right now – and our words might just save a life! Our words are powerful! I love this scripture –
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. {Prov 18:21}
This year we are going to speak the truth! This year we are going to show love in action! Here are a few truths that we want every woman out there to know that may have an pregnancy that they didn’t plan on having (but God planned that baby!) or just any woman that is going through some hard stuff, we want you to know God’s truth and be reminded of it in every way.
In honor of Sanctity of Life week, we would love for you to have our free cell phone wallpaper and digital computer desktop wallpaper to save on your screens that are a daily reminder of God’s promises. Pick the message that you need in your life right now and send an encouragement to a friend. Share on social media hashtag #truthoverlies and #prolove – and don’t forget to tag Embrace Grace!
You might see us at the Washington D.C. March for Life soon and this is the message we will be representing as we march – our pro-love stance for LIFE!
Be Brave Computer Wallpaper (click pic to download)
Be Brave Cell Phone Wallpaper (click pic to download)
Be Strong Computer Wallpaper (click pic to download)
Be Strong Cell Phone Wallpaper (click pic to download)
Don’t Be Afraid Computer Wallpaper (click pic to download)
Don’t be Afraid Cell Phone Wallpaper (click pic to download)
Don’t Worry Computer Wallpaper (click pic to download)
Don’t Worry Cell Phone Wallpaper (click pic to download)
Hold On Computer Wallpaper (click pic to download)
Hold On Cell Phone Wallpaper (click pic to download)
If you are interested in starting an Embrace Grace support group for young women with unplanned pregnancies at your own church, go to our website and request a starter guide that gets emailed to you immediately! We want every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church to go to for love and support instead of away from because of shame and guilt. Join the pro-love movement!
Written by Amy Ford