Alleged text messages and a recorded call between Walter Weekes — known as ‘Fresh’ of the Fresh&Fit Podcast — and his former girlfriend are making the social media rounds. She accuses Fresh of pressuring her to abort their child.
According to Evie Magazine, “Amrou Fudl, who goes by both ‘Myron Gaines’ and ‘Fit,’ is the author of “Why Women Deserve Less.” He and his co-host Walter Weekes, otherwise known as ‘FreshPrinceCEO’ or ‘Fresh,’ often urge women to ‘take accountability’ for their actions on their podcast.
Evie reports that Fudl and Weekes “usually blame the women for pregnancies, stating that they ‘chose the wrong guy,’ often leading them to become single mothers.” Fresh has also been known to speak out about the importance of fathers.
Despite this, earlier this month, Chinese Instagram model and former Miss Asia, Daisy Chen, shared alleged text messages between herself and Fresh which showed her telling him she was pregnant with their baby. She attached a photo of two positive pregnancy tests. Audio between the two was also released, in which Fresh can be heard telling her to have an abortion.
“I want the baby,” she said on the recorded call, “because I don’t want to kill the baby.”
He tells her, “You’re not. They just give you a pill and it’s over.”
She goes on to say it’s against her religion to kill and he tells her, “You’re not killing.”
wow, just another perfect example of women not taking responsibility for their actions just like Fresh & Fit is always saying…wait…what? It yet another time one of these dudes begs some woman to k*ll their unborn child… lol these clowns are frauds
— TheQuartering (@TheQuartering) April 4, 2024
Then she said she wanted to keep the baby and he told her he doesn’t want children. She asked how he was going to deal with the situation and he suggested again that she go for an abortion.
He said, “Why do you want a kid now?”
She responded, “Why do you make me pregnant now?”
She also told him, “God wants you to have the baby […] If you force me to kill the baby [that’s] a sin.”
He then responded that had they already sinned by having sex, implying that one more sin won’t matter.
In the text messages she told him, “You always told me you wanted me to be your baby’s mother. I loved you and did everything to be a good girlfriend. Now this is happening, you walked away. I think I want to keep the baby… I want you to think carefully and take the responsibility.”
He also allegedly wrote, “Also, things happen and yes, feelings change, but bringing a kid into this world without both parents’ love is cruel. We both thought you wouldn’t get pregnant.”
Fresh went on to say that he is “worried” now because he has to “test other girls, at least 4.”
Of course, Fresh is incorrect. If there were no baby, there would be no abortion. Here’s what happens when a pregnant woman takes the abortion pill. The baby is starved of nutrients by one drug, then expelled from the uterus by another:
Chen now believes that Fresh used her. “The truth is he pretended to be a high value man, to date girls, then ditch them,” she said. “The reason why I’m exposing this is because as a woman, I want to stand out for other women, I don’t want any other girls ended up like me.”
But other girls do end up like her. And some abort — and even see — their aborted babies. Like these Reddit users, who took the abortion pill:

Photo of 10-week aborted baby: Reddit user brazen 177

Photo: Reddit user brazen 177 (10-week aborted baby by abortion pill)

Reddit user BackgroundPea7785’s photo of aborted baby at 9 weeks gestation (enlarged).
This is allegedly not the first time that a Fresh&Fit Podcast host has pressured a woman to have an abortion. According to YouTuber Grind and Motivate, Gaines aka ‘Fit’ had a relationship with a woman from Only Fans and when she became pregnant, he allegedly asked her to have an abortion.
Some fans have come to Fresh’s defense, saying, “There is literally nothing bad here, he’s pro abortion, and he wants men to have the right to walk away from paternity, he didn’t mistreat her in any way shape or form, she’s baiting Hard trying to get him to say something bad and she failed.”
Another commenter, @imnotgdub, warned other men about the Red Pill community, saying:
The thing that kind of threw me off is she said that she doesn’t believe in abortions and that she wants to have the kid but he’s just telling her, ‘Yo, just take the pill. You’ll be fine,’ like that’s just a simple thing.
Abortion is a very traumatic process for the woman’s body. I heard it messes up their hormones, literally have to pull the corpse out of their body, and then their body still acts like it’s pregnant […] He made it seem like you could just take a pill and it would just disappear.
But another thing that threw me off is when he said, ‘Oh now I gotta text my other four girls. They might be pregnant too.’ How irresponsible can you be? […] He tells his audience, ‘Don’t mess with Instagram models. Don’t mess with s-e-x workers’ and that’s exactly what he did. He tells his followers to be a man and man up but he’s not manning up.
He’s not taking care of his own blood and flesh. Just want you all to know that half of these dudes is hypocrites.