Let’s consider two organizations.
One is marred by scandal, yet still receives taxpayer dollars. This organization is also the nation’s largest abortion provider. While federal funds cannot legally go toward abortions, money is fungible. Abortion is also a sensitive and divisive topic for Americans, and many don’t want their hard earned money to be associated with such a place.
Despite all the money it receives, this organization has seen a drop in clients, yet brags about its 2.7 million patients. Despite touting itself as necessary for health care, the most vital services are decreasing in number. Its representatives have also lied about what services the organization provides.
Now let’s talk about the second organization, which provides a whole range of comprehensive services – and doesn’t have to lie about it. This organization will also serve patients regardless of their ability to pay, which means services may be free for some people.
This organization sees 21.1 million people, and they have 13,540 centers compared to the first organization’s 669.
If we really cared about health care, wouldn’t it make sense to fund the second organization, which is larger and more productive? Of course it would. We shouldn’t even have to have this discussion.
And yet we are, because for all its scandal and lack of legitimate health care services, Planned Parenthood still receives over half a billion dollars annually from taxpayers.
Those who are in favor of funding Planned Parenthood tout their numbers, as if the other organization, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), didn’t exist. And they claim they’re the ones in favor of women’s health.
If one were to consider the issue legitimately, it would make sense to fund those centers which serve more patients. It makes little sense to fund Planned Parenthood and claim it’s because you’re for women’s health.
You don’t have to be pro-life on abortion or against Planned Parenthood to come to this conclusion.
So why does Planned Parenthood still receive taxpayer dollars? It’s because PP supporters are the ones making healthcare a political issue.