So far this year, Planned Parenthood’s political action organization, Planned Parenthood Votes, has received $10,119,855 in individual donations for 2016 political campaigning, according to a summary published by Open Secrets. A search conducted on October 11, 2016, revealed that billionaire George Soros and his family members were among Planned Parenthood’s top political donors:
• George Soros gave Planned Parenthood Votes $1,500,000
• Jennifer Allan Soros gave Planned Parenthood Votes $1,000,000
• Jonathan Soros gave Planned Parenthood Votes $1,000,000 as well as $250,000 in 2012
• Andrea Soros Colombel gave Planned Parenthood Votes $ 250,000
View all the top donors here.
George Soros, whose net worth is $24.9 billion, promised to spend $13 million to support Democrats in the 2016 presidential race. He is among Planned Parenthood’s biggest donors. Soros listed his place of employment as the Soros Fund Management when he donated $1,500,000 in 2016 to Planned Parenthood Votes. According to Bloomberg, Soros Fund Management LLC is a “privately owned family office” which “invests in the public equity and fixed income markets across the globe.”
Soros’ daughter, Andrea Soros, who now goes by her married name Andrea Soros Colombel, gave Planned Parenthood $250,000 in 2016. Her brother Jonathan Soros gave Planned Parenthood Votes $1,000,000. Soros daughter-in-law, Jennifer Allan Soros, is also among Planned Parenthood’s top political donors, giving them $1,000,000 this year. Jennifer also recently co-founded Give Lively with her husband Jonathan.
But Jennifer Allan Soros has a relationship with Planned Parenthood which goes far beyond her financial support. She began supporting Planned Parenthood during a summer internship in college, and told the Wall Street Journal that supporting Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates is her “highest philanthropic priority.” She recently gave Planned Parenthood of New York City $50,000 to open a center on Staten Island which will offer abortion referrals.
Beyond this, according to Planned Parenthood’s 2013-2014 Annual Report, Jennifer Allan Soros was listed as a Board Member of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). She has also been listed as vice-chair of Planned Parenthood Action Fund as well as a member of The Planned Parenthood Foundation Board of Trustees. Ms. Soros has been on Planned Parenthood’s board for a number of years, as evidenced by their 2009, 2010-2011, and 2012-2013 annual reports.
Recently leaked documents reveal that in addition to his political contributions, George Soros gave Planned Parenthood $1.5 million in the aftermath of the undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, which purport to show Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the trafficking of aborted fetal body parts. A memo written in Open Society’s October 2015 board meeting note reads:
USP [US Program] is working with longtime grantee Planned Parenthood Federation of America, to determine how we might support c3-related efforts in response to the well-publicized attack on Planned Parenthood by the Center for Medical Progress. As of this writing, the funding of Planned Parenthood is expected to be at the center of federal budget battles, even though an end to that funding would mean that 630,000 women would be cut off from basic preventive services. While it is highly unlikely that the politics will allow an end to federal Medicaid funding, the long-term consequences involve the substantial eroding of Planned Parenthood’s credibility and reputation. (According to a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, Planned Parenthood is viewed positively by 45 percent of respondents—two points higher than the National Rifle Association, and well above any of the 2016 presidential candidates.) Planned Parenthood is mounting a vigorous defense, supported by a $1.5m OSPC grant, in the face of four Congressional investigations and a cyber-attack that closed its website (used by patients to get services), which required the hiring of security for many of its doctors, and otherwise distracted it from its core mission.
Planned Parenthood as an organization commits more than 300,000 abortions annually, according to their annual report, and receives half a billion dollars in taxpayer dollars each year.
While Planned Parenthood claims abortion is only 3 percent of the services they provide, the Washington Post gave the claim “three Pinocchios” and a detailed analysis from Live Action has also debunked the claim.